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Sat, 2 Aug 1997 11:35:22 -0400
Vicki Dorn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (333 lines)

Hi!  How are you?  Please post the following to raw-food.



Most are resigned to take the wide and worn path of destruction, fear, and
death.  Everything I do is to guide people to seek and travel the different,
little-known path of Abundance and Life!  My entire philosophy is designed to
place you in harmony with the unseen forces of the Earth which will carry you
inevitably into the powerful current of Nature's unrelenting river of Life.
 By creating habits of thought and action one may hold themselves deep within
this current and be carried far to incredible fortunes, bountiful love, and
glorious prosperity.  I desire to give to you the Joyful Wisdom which has
empowered my life and the lives of those around me with a spark of

This essay is an expansion of Chapter 21 of my ground-breaking book:
"Nature's First Law: The Raw-Food Diet" and is designed to clarify certain
ideas and concepts which first appeared there.

This essay is submitted in response to the lack of knowledge, naivete, or
self-righteous arrogance concerning the validity of "The Darwinian Theory of
Evolution And Adaptation" which many on this list accept as an absolute
truth.  This essay is also to signal those who are considering the latest fad
"instinktive eating" as an alternative or who are already practicing it, just
how precarious such a system is.

This essay exposes the Achilles Heel underlying the long-accepted (always
unquestioned), yet totally baseless "Theory of Evolution And Adaptation."  It
uproots the entire philosophical, theoretical underpinning of "Classic
Natural Hygiene" and "instinktive eating."  It demonstrates that humanity is
not a product of evolution, nor is any other species on Earth.  It
demonstrates that the form, function, and food choices of every plant and
animal are not determined by what it has "adapted to" over time.  This essay
also does not defend or support Creationism.  I introduce a third alternate
idea which most accurately describes the actual world of Nature which
surrounds us.  I call this idea: The Concept of Form Actualization.

*On Form And Actuality: A Refutation of the Theory of Evolution and
by David Wolfe, Copyright 1997

Nature's First Law, PO Box 900202, San Diego, CA, 92190 USA
The World's Premier Source of Raw-Food Diet Books, Essays, Videos, & Audio
(619) 645-7282 or (800) 205-2350

"Those scientists who investigate the phenomena of life are as if lost in an
inextricable jungle in the midst of a magic forest, whose countless trees
unceasingly change their places and their shapes...Most of the questions put
to themselves by those scientists who study human beings, remain without
answer...Humans are made up of a procession of phantoms, in the midst of
which there strides an unknowable reality."
                -- Dr. Alexis Carrel, *Man The Unknown*

The accepted history of plants and animals, even that of the Earth's
geological life, and the rotations of the stars, is a convenient fable of the
era/civilization in which it exists.  It mirrors in outward actuality the
collective inner consciousness of that era/civilization. The majority of all
thoughts on this subject released by people into the mass mind are inaccurate
because they are inspired by personal opinions which are arrived at without
an examination of Nature, or because of bias, prejudice, fear, and the result
of emotional excitement.  Students of the animal world and anthropology in
general are humans, living in a period, having a nationality, ethnicity,
social status, and inherent biases.  For these students, it is no more
possible to eliminate their subjective standpoints from their treatment of
these things than it would be to obtain a perfectly abstract account of the
Civil War or the Second World War.

The picture we possess of the history of plants and animals and the Earth's
geological strata is, at present, still dominated by the core ideas of
deceased cooked Englishmen.  Lyell's impassive theory of the formation of the
geological strata, and Darwin's Origin of the Species are not natural thought
forms but are actually derivatives of the development of the cancerous
Western culture itself.  In place of incalculable catastrophes and
metamorphoses such as the geological and fossil records admit, they put a
methodical evolution over very long periods of time and recognize as causes
only *scientifically calculable* and indeed *mechanical utility-causes*.

The modern "Theory of Evolution and Adaptation" still embodies this system of
superficial causality.  For the Englishman, the word "evolution" meant
progress (and it still does today), in the sense of increasing fitness of
life to purposes or "adaptation."  The point here is that this linear "Cause
and Effect" leading to adaptation is not the Law of Life, Destiny through
Form Actualization is. Destiny is the aim expressed within the deepest inward
certainty, which is fulfilled by action just as a seed with its inward
certainty of bursting life and future fruit generation is fulfilled by action
through water, soil, and Sun.

There is not a single shred of evidence that "the Earth's biological history"
"evolution" (as it has been termed) is a mechanical process of increasing
fitness and utility over time.  Nothing on Earth has gradually adapted to
anything, nor has anything (plant, animal, or Earth) gradually evolved into
anything.  We can simply look to the strata of the Earth for fascinating
clues as to the world's past progression.

Liebniz's studies of the German silver-mines nearly 300 years ago still serve
as a profound read in attempting to describe the untold picture of this
world's primordial infancy as reflected in geological formations.  Liebniz
details a picture which is much different than any trendy evolutionary or
impassive geological theory.  Liebniz saw, in the Earthy silver-mines, layers
and formations of rock indicating a wild, arbitrary, fantastic, confused,
totally surprising geomorphic history of a planet Earth bursting with a
metamorphoses of forms.

To put this idea in a more tangible context, Liebniz saw geology in as
objective a fashion as we could hope, because he was not over-filled with any
preconceived ideas as to what he should see.  The contemporary models of
geomorphism had not been developed yet and did not hamper his observations.

And though the modern forms of Darwinism and The Theory of Evolution are
well-developed, I have stepped back away, in a similar vein to Liebniz, and
here overturn The Theory of Evolution through simple observation and logic.

There is no more conclusive refutation of Darwinism than that furnished by
paleontology. Simple probability indicates that fossil records can only be
test samples.  Each sample, then, should represent a different stage of
evolution/adaptation, and there ought to be "transition" types, not
particularly of one species or another.  Instead, what we find, in the actual
fossil record, are genus forms that have not developed themselves on the
fitness principle, *but appear suddenly and at once in their definite shape*;
that do not thereafter evolve towards better adaptation, but become rarer or
finally disappear, while quite different forms arise again.

What has unfolded itself on this spinning blue planet, in ever-increasing
richness of organic form, is the great classes of living beings which exist
*without any transition types*.

The first treatise which described that the basic forms of plants and animals
did not evolve, but were suddenly there, was given by Hugo de Vries in his
work "Mutation Theory" in 1886.  He described that we can clearly see
(through scientific/utility analysis) how the "impressed living form" works
itself out in the individual samples, but we cannot see how the "die was cut"
for each whole genus.  We cannot see how the genus appeared.

We cannot ascertain how the Homo genus (Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus,
Neanderthal, Archaic Homo Sapien, Cro-Magnon, Homo Sapien Sapien) appeared,
yet it was suddenly there in the fossil record.

At its inception, each new genus form is associated with a definite energy
and a specific physiological design.  Its functioning environment, physical
form, social life, physical life (i.e. how to spin web), and food/fuel choice
is pre-determined within a narrow variable range.  These are not subject to
change and do not (actually cannot) adapt.

I could focus on a discussion of other organic characteristics of organisms
within the context of this analysis, but due to the focus of food and humans
in this forum, I will discuss how the Homo genus has a specific biological
design for food/fuel as do all other genus forms.

Classic Natural Hygiene and its rogue progenitor "instinktive eating" have as
their base tenet the false assumption that we have adapted to a specific diet
through millennia of certain feeding patterns (which can never be known by
the way, but can only be guessed at).  There is not the slightest evidence in
the fossil record that the human form has adapted to any foods outside its
biological design.  Thus, even after all the terrestrial catastrophes and
chaotic dietary patterns of the past,  the human design is still that of a
perfect frugivore in every respect.

The structure and function of humanity's teeth, digestive canal, sense
organs, nourishment for the young, children's development, sexual desire,
mental set, emotional feelings, as well as the cause and cure of disease and
unhappiness all demonstrate that humans are biologically frugivorous (an
eater of fruits and vegetables) and are neither carnivorous, herbivorous, nor
omnivorous.  Note: the hybridization of natural foods and fundamental
tampering with humanity's food supply does not in any way make humanity not a
biological frugivore.  The human design is still the same.

Omnivorous feeding patterns discovered in Homo (by nescient researchers in
archeological digs) before the discovery of fire in scattered places
throughout the world dating back from the 100,000's to millions of years do
not signify anything of significance except for the fact that humans were
living in contravention to their natural design, perhaps due to terrestrial
disasters, confusion, or unknowable factors.  Also, there is no evidence that
we modern humans are directly descended from any such Homo progenitors.

Additionally, it should be specified that omnivorous feeding patterns by Homo
varieties typically signals the disappearance of that variety.  Why?  Foreign
animal proteins ingested by non-omnivorous/carnivorous animals can actually
saturate the organism and cause genetic cross-linking further dulling or
actually rearranging the indigenous DNA blueprint with that of a foreign

Genetic cross-linking is slowed when animal flesh is cooked for the flame
acts as a mitigating factor which denatures the protein afterwhich, to be
useable, it must be totally broken apart  -- while other non-digested pieces
are often too damaged to cross-link.  However, if the flesh is not cooked,
the cross-linking in humans is much more rapid and obvious.  This is why
raw-flesh eaters quickly take on the appearance of the animals they eat.

Now, every natural species can tolerate a vast amount of improper food
(fuel). That is why dogs, mice, rats, cats, birds, etc. can tolerate vast
amounts of denatured, dead, improper food even though they have never seen
these types of foods in their genetic history. The cells and tissues
composing the anatomy of these organisms always display an amazing degree of
resilience, elasticity, and buoyancy.  However, the tolerance for these types
of foods/fuels will actually decrease (not increase as through adaptation)
over time with each successive generation as the animal form is dulled
(lowered vitality and genetic damage).  And this holds true for humans too.
 Humans can tolerate a vast amount of improper food (fuel), but only so much
before imminent breakdown.  Perhaps it is not so accurate to describe humans
as actually "de-evolving" rather humanity has been getting duller in form by
unnatural feeding -- no sharpness of feature, of action, or of the

The Concept of Form Actualization demonstrates that an organism can only
achieve its true potential through conscious, unconscious, or even chosen
alignment with its biological form, function, and food choices.  Most
organisms that exist on Earth do not actualize this potential, they might be
in a less than ideal location or they might not be taking in pure fuel (i.e.
a frugivore eating omnivorously due to terrestrial changes) -- however some
organisms do.  (You can recognize those animals that do -- a magical being is
a sight to behold.  I once saw a wolf on home-video who was one such animal.
 This wolf systematically rejected all human food by throwing it with its
snout.  At one point, one day,  it was leaping back and forth over a six foot
fence in single bounds toying with animal control officials.)  *Mammal
species require fresh, clean water, but only a few mammals within the species
seek out or find fresh, clean water.*

The most amazing thing about human life on this planet is that we can
discover our form, function, and food choice design and *choose* to follow
it, therefore actualizing the highest potential of our form!  Every
individual is potentially a star pulsating with energy -- emanating warmth,
light, and color.  Through obedience to the Laws of Nature, through proper
mental and physical diet anybody can transform into a perpetual nova --
radiant beyond magnitude -- totally illuminated by the life energies

For humankind, all discoveries dating back 2 million years indicate more and
more pointedly that the human-forms existing then correspond closely to those
living now; there is not the slightest trace of evolution towards a race of
greater utilitarian fitness or adaptation.  The continued failure to find
Homo forms in the period ranging back 3-4 million years or beyond indicates
more and more clearly that the Homo life-form, like every other, originated
in a sudden mutation (the Germans have the great word "Wandlung" meaning
instant transformation) of which the "when," "how," and "why" remains an
impenetrable secret.  There exists somewhere in this recess of time a sharp
frontier on the hither side of which we see Homo as a completely formed type,
endowed with a certain bodily structure, walk, and posture that has not
materially altered up to the present day.  The 3 million year old humanoid
footprints found in Africa several decades ago match *exactly* the gait, foot
impression, balance, and structure of human footprints now.

If there were gradual evolution, in the adaptation sense of the word, there
could neither be defined Earth strata nor specific animal classes, but only a
single geological mass and a chaos of living singular forms which we are led
to believe was left over from some "struggle for existence."

The mathematician Mandelbrot in his casebook "The Fractal Geometry of Nature"
(about Chaos theory) describes his analog of the phenomenon of my Form
Actualization as follows...There are two types of quantity variations
recognizable in Nature:
        1. The Noah Effect.  This means discontinuity: when a quantity changes, it
can change arbitrarily fast.  Quantities can change instantaneously.  They do
not pass through all intervening points on their way from one point to
another. The Noah Effect means that a quantum of species may instantaneously
alter form and function.
        2. The Joseph Effect.  This means persistence.  Despite an underlying
randomness, the longer a quantity grouping has experienced a condition, the
likelier it is to experience more of that same condition.  The Joseph Effect
means that certain a genus of species, despite erratic conditions, may
persist through countless eons, essentially unchanged.

All that we see about us impels us to the conviction that again and again
profound and extremely sudden changes take place in the forms of living
plants and animals.  These changes are of a chaotic or cosmic origin and are
beyond human understanding.

Similarly, all active beings (including those reading this now) have striven
towards their fulfillment by turning points or "epochs" in their lives -- not
by gradual evolution.  Think about the events of your own life and decide
which is a better description: a series of turning points or gradual
evolution.  The origins of the Earth, of Life, of the free-moving animals,
are such
turning points or "epochs" of change, and, therefore, mysteries we can do no
more than accept.

No missing link can ever be found, *because it doesn't exist*.

The theory of Evolution/Adaptation is just that...a theory and has no basis
in fact.

Biological history is not utility or adaptation, but the fulfillment of
forms.  Those who believe that humanity is on its way to uncovering the great
puzzles of this spinning Earth-ball should guess again.  The world is a
profoundly mysterious place and only one in a million of its secrets has been

The eternal actualization continues: uncomprehension, resistance, anger,

Cooked food is poison.

"We, the new, the nameless, the hard-to-understand, we firstlings of a yet
untried future -- we require for a new end also new means, namely, a new
healthiness, stronger, sharper, tougher, bolder, and merrier than any
healthiness hitherto.  He whose soul longs to experience the whole range of
hitherto recognized values and desirabilities, and to circumnavigate all the
coasts of this ideal "Mediterranean Sea," who, from the adventures of his
most personal experience, wants to know how it feels to be a conqueror and
discoverer of the ideal -- as likewise how it is with the artist, the saint,
the legislator, the sage, the scholar, the devotee, the prophet, and the
godly Nonconformist of the old style: -- requires one thing above all for
that purpose, great healthiness -- such healthiness as one not only
possesses, but also constantly acquires and must acquire, because one
continually sacrifices it again, and must sacrifice it! -- And now, after
having been long on the way in this fashion, we Argonauts of the ideal, who
are more courageous perhaps than prudent, and often enough shipwrecked and
brought to grief, nevertheless, as said above, healthier than people would
like to admit, dangerously healthy, always healthy again, -- it would seem,
as if in recompense for it all, that we have a still undiscovered country
before us, the boundaries of which no one has yet seen, a beyond to all
countries and corners of the ideal known hitherto, a world so over-rich in
the beautiful, the strange, the questionable, the frightful, and the divine,
that our curiosity as well as our thirst for the possession of thereof, have
got out of hand -- alas!  that nothing will any longer satisfy us!"
-- Friedrich Nietzsche, *Joyful Wisdom*

Best wishes,

David "Fats Avocado" Wolfe
Nature's First Law, PO Box 900202, San Diego, CA, 92190 USA
The World's Premier Source of Raw-Food Diet Books, Essays, Videos, & Audio
(619) 645-7282 or (800) 205-2350 - orders