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Thu, 12 Jun 1997 18:03:01 -0700
Ellie Rotunno <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
> emotions and a therapist could be a  good friend or spouse who's also doing
>the work of getting out stored up emotions (emotions are stored as
> biochemicals in Toxic Minds)

> Thanks, Ellie.  I really did not know (or remember?) what ACOA meant.  Can
> you help me better understand what the sort of "therapy" IS you're
> recommending to dump those boichemicals? , What sort of training/ed should
> the friend/spouse have & where can it be obtained?

Hi Bob and Judy

>I went to ACOA for a short while where I learned that my rage
> (mostly self directed)could be released at meetings in the direction of my
>parents (who caused me to suppress my anger as a child) I met people
>there who were doing the work and continued to be friends and to witness
my rage. No training is required. But lots of people in ACOA have good
therapists, not talk therapy, it doesn't work. Alice Miller talks about
the need for a witness. I also went to a weeklong residential program for
Co-dependency Treatment for Adult Children from Dysfunctional Families at
Caron Foundation in PA (1-800-678-2332).Many therapists go there for
training. They might know local therapists.  Others use Primal Therapy,
some as a do-it-yourself, approach. Now when I'm angry at someone or
myself I try to ask myself, Who am I really angry at? I call a friend who
helps me redirect my anger, and then I sometimes bang on the bed with a
pillow.It's a long term process, this detoxing and it's really up to my
body, not my conscious mind. Periodic detoxing as you know. I'm not in
charge. BTW there are now therapists in prisons helping abusive people to
redirect their rage and they are sending violent offenders home where
they will be non-violent. This is exciting and why I want to get
published, so I can support these therapists, I hope to influence the
diets too. I have a lab test that would monitor their recovery. It's
about ending violence in the world. I recommend Alice Miller's books to
anyone interested. Also Janov.

My best, Ellie