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Mon, 5 May 1997 14:47:11 +0000
Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (136 lines)
Hi all,

I would like to thank Karl and Peter for their responses to Deborah's lette=
(Karl: Some thoughts about Instincto, Peter: 5/5/97 6:03 and 6:27)
In my oppinion their contributions set straight several things that I felt
were getting disbalanced.
So at this point of the discussion I don't have to dig to the roots of
Instincto and do all reasoning again, that has led to this kind of nutritio=
Once again, thank you, Peter and Karl.

I am picking out some points here that seem to be important to me:

>I disagree. I see killing the animal oneself and eating it raw as an=20
>expression of the highest integrity.

I agree stronly! I know several Instinctos who admit that they are not able
to kill an animal themselves to get the meat. I consider this to be a dis-
integration of neo-cortex and bodily need. Mostly I give these people the
advice to be vegetarians until they are able to do the kill. (Nobody was
ever pleased to hear that.)

>I do not know how much longer you will remain on your medication but I =20
>think it would be wise of you not to rely solely on the medication or=20
>your instincts to rebuild your body. From the dental & blood work you=20
>had done and from the fact that you came down so hard with Trichinosis,=20
>your state of health despite your instinctive lifestyle could not have=20
>been the best to begin with, and I think you should find a good ND to=20
>help you rebuild your health.

Yes, I agree also. This has been one of my first thoughts when I read the
story of Zephyr's illness (for clarity: Zephyr's state of health not being
the best.)
I guess that Zephyr's continued eating of high amounts of meat were due
to the fact that his meat has been far away from instincto quality. I made
the experience that bad meat addicts you. You eat too much of it and the
next day you want it again.

Orkos-criteria for instinctive quality meat:
1. no feeding for the animals except with instinctive quality food
   (for clarity: instinctive food does   n o t   include wheat)
2. of course no drugs even if animals get sick
3. animals may not have the possibility to eat human waste or get to fields
   with cultivated fruits/vegetables/grains etc.
4. animals live in free nature the whole year
5. at least three generations of each species must have been living this
   way. Meat of the second generation for instance is   n o t   sold by Orkos.
6. Hygienical standards of the EU must be met, otherwise the meat couldn't
   be sold. (And the EU is quite crazy now because of crazy cows and sick

I would like to stress point no. 3. I strongly guess that the mongoose has
had access to human waste and that it wasn't eating instinctive quality
food because it caught sick rats and mice. This was the purpose the mongoose
originally was imported to Hawaii. The rats and mice were threatening the
So the mongoose is suspect to have eaten human waste and fed itself with mice
and rats that were living mostly of waste or had access to cultivated products
supposedly poisoned by commercial agricultural treatments.

Since the poisons accumulate in the nutrition chain I suppose the mongooses
living on Hawaii belong to the sickest animals that can be found there.

My conclusions are, that Zephyr intoxicated himself by a high intake of
bad meat and finally his immune system was so weakened it couldn't protect
him from the parasite. I think up to that point his immune system has done
a great job. I guess that several other animals he ate also were carrying

I agree with Zephyr that herbs could have healed him but it isn't easy to
find them if you feel so sick. Also there wasn't perhaps enough time to do
the search and wait for a success. It's always better to rely on convention
al medicine then.

Having scanned the archives back to 1/97 I found several discussions about
pastured animals. I want to point out that this is not enough for meat to
be instinctive quality. I got meat from pastured animals of Ireland here in
Germany and it turned out to be bad. The problem is, that no farmer who is
raising cattle for profit can wait for them to grow up naturally. It lasts
too long. So all of the pastured animals in commercial agriculture are fed
with additional food, mostly wheat (nearly always heated) but also powders with
dubious ingredients (always heated.) It's clear that the additional feeding
must be denatured - otherwise the animals wouldn't eat enough of it and
the farmer would seek for other methods. They always come to denatured
feeding.Let me stress, that even instincto quality wheat cheats the instinct of
animals and leads to overeating. According to instincto theory this is from
the fact that wheat is an artificial breeded grain that has never existed
in nature before. Hint: read books about feeding of ducks, poultry and
cattle, written by commercial farmers.
Organic farmers aren't so much better because they also have to obey the
rules of the market that say: feed your animals fat as quick as you can
and slaughter them as early as possible. Every day on pasture costs you a
certain amount of money. Also organic farmers have no idea what instinctive
nutrition is or how to feed an animal naturally.

Speaking over the quality of meat I also would like to mention, that meat
from "wild" animals most often is not instinctive quality because point
no. 3 isn't met. I tried meat of wild porks of germany. It wasn't wild
at all. It was a accumulation of the waste these porks ate.
I know that chances are better for animals living in the wide areas of the
United States but I still wouldn't trust such meat (and Hawaii is too
small anyway) Animals are able to overcome very very long distances in
their lifetime.
Wild meat from New Zealand often mentioned in older posts is suspect to come
from animals that had access to commercially grown food too. New Zealand
is a country that does a lot of commercial agriculture for export. No chanc
efor wild animals to feed themselves naturally.

I also tried eggs from so called freeland-rising (correct word?) in my
country. The night after I had eaten only two egg yolks (app. 40 grams) I
woke up and for several minutes didn't check that I was laying in my own be
din my flat. I was totally confused. I assume this to be a strong symptom fo
rthe high gluten content of those eggs. Gluten makes you crazy because of
its structural similarity to endorphines.
I am sure that the eggs were the source of the symptom because I haven't
watched such a confusion since years!
So the best quality eggs I could find weren't instinctive quality at all.

Personally I won't change my nutritional practice. My RAF always comes from
Orkos Diffusion and I consider it to be safe. But I am grateful to Deborah
and Zephyr for sharing their experience with all of us and I will keep in
mind that instinctive nutrition is not an antidote for all types of para-
At least if I should show symptoms of disease after consuming RAF I will
immediately go finding out what it is instead of assuming a detoxification

Rawest greetings
