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"Roger L. Stillwell" <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 16:34:07 -0500
text/plain (58 lines)
Rational or good actions increase prosperity, happiness, and psychuous
pleasures. Irrational or bad actions undermine those values. While
each individual's life and values are unique, certain basic actions never
change in terms of good or bad actions. The rightness or wrongness of
those basic actions do not vary according to opinion, or from person to
person, or from generation to generation, or from culture to culture,
or from solar system to solar system. Universally good or bad actions are
objectively based on the biological nature of human beings and are
definable in absolute terms. But other actions are amoral and cannot be
judged in terms of good or bad because they are a matter of personal
preference determined by individual differences.

Universal morals are objective. They are not based on opinions of the author
or anyone else. Universal morals are not created or determined
by anyone. No one can deem what is moral and what is not moral. The same
moral standards exist for each and every human being throughout all
locations, cultures, and ages. Those standards are independent of anyone's
opinions or proclamations. Moreover, two and only two black-and-white moral
standards exist. Those two moral standards are:

Any chosen action that purposely benefits the human organism or society is
morally good and right.

Any chosen action that purposely harms the human organism or society is
morally bad and wrong.

Feelings and emotions, on the other hand, cannot be considered as standards,
absolutes, or morals. A person's life-style, desires, needs, and
preferences can vary greatly without altering that person's character or
without making that person morally right or wrong. Still, moral absolutes do
exist. And following or violating moral absolutes determines a person's
character and self-esteem. The two moral absolutes essential for prosperity
and happiness are:

   1.Integrated honesty for knowing reality
   2.Integrated efforts for increasing productivity

Habitually violating either of those two moral absolutes precludes genuine
prosperity and happiness. Related to those absolutes are the following moral

                     Individual rights
                          * * *
                       Use of force
                 Ends justifying the means

Objective morals are based on reality, reason, logic. Subjective "morals",
on the other hand, are based on unreal, arbitrary feelings or wishes.
All such unreal "morals" require force, deception, or coercion to impose
them on others. Subjectivism, mysticism, existentialism, and "do your
own thing" are all attempts to deny objective morals by implying that no
standards exist and everything is of equal value (thus denying
objective morals and values).