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Sun, 10 Aug 1997 00:17:45 -0400
Dariusz ROZYCKI <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
I went completely "nuts" over these today, as I tasted them for the first
time at a health food store.  I must have consumed a good 100g of them in
secret, before putting another 250g in a bag and buying (mind you, that
came out quite expensive).  So I came home and checked Mr. Billings post
on "nuts" and it does say they're dead and processed a hundred times
before they are sold as "raw."  I regret both the money and especially
the taste. It was most plesant to my taste buds -- never mind the few
skin erruptions I now have on my face.  :)

Anyone wants them?  :)

As an aside, a couple of hours after eating them (I didn't have much to
eat that day, up to that time), I came home and sat down to try some of
the supposedly higher quality (and quite expensive) eggs I bought at that
same HFS.  Well, I ended up having four yolks.  I did it rather quickly
(they *are* a liquid and go down real easy), felt no taste change or
being full, yet a few minutes later my stomach started to complain
(heavy, unpleasant feeling; things were kinda on their way back up).
I wonder if I overate or if it was the cashews I ate before.

Anyway, good night everyone (funny I still don't feel too sleepy at
midnight).  ;)