Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 10 May 1997 02:57:26 +0200
Ministry of Idleness
Discussiones in Interlingua <[log in to unmask]>

> > Es anglese antique similar a Svedese o Danese? Illo es Anglosaxon.

> Anglosaxon me pare como un mixtura de german, anglese e islandese.  Le
> distantia inter anglosaxon e le linguas scandinavian es minor que le
> distantia ab anglese.  Io recognosce plure parolas que non existe in
> anglese, como parolas que ancora existe in le linguas scandinavian.

 Ben, primarimente, le termino "anglese antique" es un grande
le lingua del Alfred era anglo-saxonese/"Wessexese" (vide infra).

Io ha tentate trovar le parolas plus proxime scandinavian (Scan),
anglese (Angl) e german (Germ) sub le parolas "anglese antique" (AAngl).
Plure parolas sono multe estranie (=?).

Iste texto es ab un periodo ante le magne influentia de

Le passages servi anque a monstrar le multo grande differentia inter
german e latin!! Ergo, Interlingua non debe ser mercate como
il existe nulle base pro lo, lequal es obvie. Lege e compare:

AAng "D'y   ylcan daege d'e   hi  hine to d'aem ade beran willad'.
Angl  The               that  he  him  to
Scan              daeg                              bära
Germ                                      dem             wollte
Intl  " mesme die  que  illes intende portar le al pila funeral".

AAnt     "D'as scipu ne sind swid'e swift, ac hie sind swid'e
Germ           Schiffe  sind                  sie sind
Franc                 ne(pas)
Angl           ships                swift                      stalwart
?                              ?           ?             ?
Intl     "Le naves non es multo rapide, mais illos es multo robuste."

AAng   "Naenig  mon     is   wis     on eallum   d'ingum"
Germ    Nie     Mann    ist  weis    an allen      Dingen
Intl    Necun    homine es   sage    in tote       cosas

AAnt        "And him waes mycel     menegu      to gegaderod."
Germ         Und     war                           ge-
Angl             him was                        to    ga(e)ther
Scan                      myckna    menneske
Intl         "E il ha assembleate a ille un grande multitudine."

AAnt      "He waes swyd'e spedig man  on d'aem aehtum d'e hiera speda on
Germ          war                Mann an dem
Angl       He     (so?)                               that his
Scan                                           ägda
?                  ?        ?
?        ?
Intl  Ille esseva un homine multo ric in ille possessiones in que lor
ricchessa consiste."

>     "D'a wunda d'aes modes beod' digelran d'onne d'a wunda d'aes lichaman."
Germ   Das       des                                           des
Angl   The wound       mood                 than   the wound
Scan                               diglur*  än
?                                                    ?
Intl   Le injurias del mente es plus secrete que le injurias del
*diglur = black spot in faroese

AAngl     "Dryhten bebead  Moyse hu  he sceolde bera  d'a  earce."
Germ                                    sollte
Scan              (på)bjöd       hur    skulle  bära
Angl  (The) Druid(?)             how he should
the                          Intl    Le Domino instrueva Mose como ille
debe portar le arca.

AAngl "Nylle ic d'aes synfullan dead', ac ic wille d'aet he gecyrre and
Angl         I   the  sinful    dead,     I        that he(re)covered
and liveth
Scan                  syndfulla död   och?   ville att       -kovra?
leve       Intl  Io non vole le morte del peccator, mais io vole que
ille retorna e vive."
            ?volerea                                    ?retornarea e viverea

> Le rege Alfred ha inserite le sequente in su traduction del Historia:

Ben, Alfred esseva un *Anglo-Saxone* de Wessex qui non parlava danese.
On crede que ille viveva inter le annos 841 e 900. Ille deveniva regno
circa 871. Gratias a ille le daneses era incapace facer tote le
danese sub le Danelege (Danelaw).

Post iste periodo, Angleterra remaneva dividite inter le
Wessex e le daneseparlante Danelaw (omne altere "earldoms"). Mesmo que
nunquam era un regno de Anglaterra, le angleses in periodos plus tarde
laudate ille pro su effortios a crear un cultura *non-danese*, a saper
anglo-saxonese. Multo plus tarde anglo-saxonese deveniva confusate con
anglese antique.

Le saxoneses habeva retornate al fortia  ante le advento del William le
Conquistator 1066 e ha continuate a scriber le historia de Anglaterra e
durante le seculos grandissime inflarate le rolo del anglosaxones--
le victor scribe le historia!

Al minus pro duo seculos le parolas de  G. M. Trevelyan, professor de
Historia Moderne in le Universitate de Cambridge in su "History of
England", era un realitate :
"So long as .. the English were nailing to their church doors skins
off their Danish enemies, the hatred between Anglo-Saxon and
was profound".

Esque iste odio ha supervivite usque hodie in le mundo angloparlante?
Le anglese libros historic ha essite plen de contempto pro vikingos e
scandinavios e ha anque refusate recognoscer le immense influentia del
daneses (towns, earldoms, shires, derecto, systema de jurys, taxation
e le unification del parve regnos Northumbria, Mercia, Essex e Anglia
del Est.) Le ecclesia anglese ha essite especialmente active in mantener
imagine negative pro le gentes pagan de Scandinavia.

Re le texto de Alfred, submittite per Stan, illo monstra que le
anglo-saxonese era plus proxime al frisian/hollandese que

In le sequente io ha subscribite parolas svedese le plus proxime:

> "Ohthere saede his hlaforde, Aelfrede cyninge,     thaet he ealra Nord'monna
   Ottar   sade  his     ?              konungen     att      alla

> northmest bude.  He cwaed thaet he bude on thaem lande  northweardum with
            bodde            att     bodde         landet nordvart

> tha Westsae. He saede thea thaet thaet land sie swithe lang north thonan;
      Väst sjö    sade   då   att   det  landet sig      långt norr

> ac hit is eal weste, buton on feawum stowum styccemaelum wiciad' Finnas,

> on huntod'e on wintra, ond on sumera on fiscathe be there sae. He saede
                 vintrarna      somrarna  fiskade           sjö .   sade

> thaet he aet summ cirre wolde fandian hu longe thaet land northryhte laege,
  att                           finna   hur långt det  land norrut

> oththe hwaeder aenig     mon be nord'an thaem westenne bude.    Tha for he
                           man    nordan                 bodde.   Då  for

> northryhte be thaem lande:  let him ealne weg thaet west land on d'aet
  norrut              landet                väg       väst land

> steorbord, ond tha widsae on d'aet baecbord thrie dagas. Tha waes he swa
  styrbord                           babord   tre   dagar. Då  var

feor north swa tha hwaelhuntan firrest farath. Tha for he tha giet
fjär norr  som     val(jägare) fjärnast fara.   Då for
norr   ut

> swa feor swa he meahte on thaem othrum thrim dagum gesiglan. Tha sceolde
  så  fjär så                     andra  tre   dagar    segla.  Då

> he d'aer bidan ryhtnorthanwindes, for d'aem thaet land beag thaer
     där   bida      nordanvinden,  för             land bak

> suthryhte, oththe seo sae in on d'aet land, he nysse hwaether....."
    söderut                       det   land,    nyss


Sigmund         <>

PS Pro legabilitate io attacca iste message in Word filo.