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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Print Reply
Wed, 29 Oct 1997 20:49:33 EST
James W Orr <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks again to all who responded with recipes/ideas/cookbooks etc.   I
thought cooking GF was a problem until I tried to eliminate sugar!  Here
are some of the highlights from the many messages I received.

(1) Almost all agreed that the thing to aim for was low sugar, not no
sugar. As one person put it, "a cake once every blue moon is o.k.".

(2) There is a cookbook called "Oh Boy! Gluten Free
Cookbook--Sugar/Oil/Fat Restricted"   a cookbook for Celiac (Sprue)
Diabetics by Lilly Leicht
Published in Canada by L.T. Publisher
                                             R.R. #1, Box 54
                                             Pender Island, BC
                                             V0N   2M0

(3) Another good cookbook which contains some good recipes for cakes
sweetened with fruit is "The Yeast Connection Cookbook" by Wm. Crook and
Marjorie Jones.

Unfortunately I didn't have time to try all of these but hope to get to
them later.  For this time I just went with the low sugar idea. My
favorite response was the one titled "A piece of cake".  It sure doesn't
hurt to have a sense of humor when dealing with all this!