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Wed, 11 Jun 1997 09:16:58 +0000
"C. Burgess" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello listmembers:

Our local doctor found this snippet of information off of the
Internet, which could be valuable to a lot of celiacs.  This is from
the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 18:(2):299-304, 1983
Mar. Authors - Hallert C., Astrom J., Walan A.  Title Reversal of
psychopathology in adult coeliac disease with the aid of pyridoxine
(vitamin B6)

        "Signs of mental depression are typical in adults presenting with
coeliac disease.  The response to treatment was evaluated in 12
consecutive patients by means of the Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory (MMPI), with surgical patients serving as
controls.  The coeliacs reported no change in depressive symptoms
after 1 year's gluten withdrawal despite evidence of improvement in
the small intestine.  When retested after 3 years, however, after 6
months of 80mg/day of oral pyridoxine (vitamin B6) therapy, they
showed a fall in the score of scale 2 ('depression') from 70 to 56 (p
less than 0.01), which became normalized like other pretreatment
abnormalities in the MMPI.  Cholecycstectomy in the control subjects
produced no alterations in the MMPI profile.  The results indicate a
causal relationship between adult coeliac disease and concomitant
depressive symptoms which seems to implicate metabolic effects from
pyridoxine deficiency influencing central mechanisms regulating

I've mentioned this before on the list but for those who are new, my
husband has found sublingual b vitamins to be helpful since they
absorb under the tongue and you don't have to worry about the
malabsorption problem in the intestine.  A source we have found is
Sublingual B Total which we are able to get at Wal-mart.  The company
that makes them is Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Arlington, TX 76006
and their phone number is 1-800-338-4788.

Cyndee Burgess
Reserve, New Mexico