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Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:41:17 -0500
T Pigeon <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

As a newly diagnosed celiac (biopsy about 6 weeks ago), I've gotten lots of
useful information and tips from the people on this list... many of my
questions have been answered just by "listening" to you guys.

Anemia, fatigue, and a huge drop in my endurance (I'm a cyclist) were the
first clues to my CD, and I was blessed with a gastroenterologist who
pinpointed the problem without a lot of fiddling around.

I feel much better even this short time on a GF diet, and have accepted
(well almost) that this is a diet I'll have to stick to. But up until now,
bread, pasta and oatmeal have been my comfort foods, and I regularly made
yeast rolls and cinnamon buns. The best bread I've found is Food for Life's
Rice Almond, but it doesn't hold a candle to warm, fresh, homemade bread. I
haven't gotten a bread machine yet - haven't figured out the best brand to
get and I don't know how _good_ the bread really will be. Anyone have
really strong opinions?

In my research, I've come across the question of whether or not oats or
quinoa were actually harmful to celiacs. I don't have a drastic, immediate
reaction to gluten ingestion, so it would be difficult to know if they had
an adverse affect on me.

Sooo... finally, my question: how many of you are eating quinoa/oats with
no obvious problems? Has anyone done an oats/quinoa challenge, then biopsy?
Or, is there anyone who has violent reactions to wheat/rye/barley, but not
oats/quinoa? While I want to eliminate anything from my diet that is
harmful, I don't want to exclude anything needlessly... especially yummy
oatmeal or killer quinoa pasta. Am I way off in thinking I could have a
biopsy after maybe 6 or 12 months of eating those, and if the results are
good I can permanently add those to my diet?

And, for anyone who lives near Raleigh... I've found WellSpring (especially
in Chapel Hill) to be especially GF-friendly. Are there any other gems in
the area?

Sorry for the longish post.
Thanks for any responses.
I'll summarize to the list.

teresa in raleigh, nc