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Mon, 2 Dec 1996 17:27:21 -0500 (EST)
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Everyone on this list knows the wonderful benefits of a raw food diet.
However, there is at least one thing that can be said for cooked foods:
they are sanitary.  Let's face it, heat sanitizes food (I know it kills it
too)!  I probably spend more time cleaning my raw food than I would
cooking a meal.  Actually, I must admit that there are some "live" foods
that I boil simply to save time (forgive me raw-fooders, for I have
sinned)!  I boil green beans because I refuse to wash each and every one
and broccoli because I don't believe that any amount of washing will get
all the nasties out of there.  I can peel the skin on most other raw
foods but there are some that I love to eat with the skin such as apples,
cucumbers and zuchini.  Cleaning these foods is time consuming.  I also
wonder how clean the nuts are that I get from the bulk store.

I don't mean to sound like I have a cleanliness phobia but it is an issue
that I think about.  I would love to hear any great ideas that others may
have on how they wash foods.  I suspect that some of you are quite
creative about it.
