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Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 15 Mar 1998 15:48:59 -0800
text/plain (50 lines)
>>> I wouldn't say so. Infants can still absorb huge quantities of milk (it was
>>> the main staple for two of the three children), but adults can't absorb so
>>> much lactose... and milk can have other inconvenients.

>> I didn't know that.  Do you have any Scientific Data and/or Sources for
>> that?

> i dO. yOu cAn cHECk tHe nO mILk hOMEPAGe aT tHe uRl:

> http://www.panix.com/~nomilk/

Thanks!!! - It's looks like a Great Resource Site but before I read
everything about Milk could you tell me from what you know what happens
and why Children can drink and thrive on Milk and yet you say Adults can't
or something to that extent.  I, personally, seem to thrive on Raw Milk
and Raw Diary and I don't get Mucousy or anything like I hear other
People claim happens.  So I wonder what exactly is going on with these
People as oppose to me or it is another Belief System like Vegetarianism
is better than Meat Eating etc..  Also I'd really like to know you're
Personal Experience with Milk etc. and was it Raw, or Pasteurized and
Homogenized which, of course, I could imagine People having problems

>> Very Interesting.  To your knowledge do you know of any other similar
>> studies or something along the lines of this?  It would be neat to know
>> if in the Study the babies Blood Types were taken so maybe they could be
>> found and see if Peter D'Adamo Research could be applicable in anyway
>> and the babies ate according to their Blood Type and/or Genetic Heritage

> tHaT wOuLd Be VeRy InTeReStInG InDeEd.
> m a n y   s t u d i e s   h a v e   b e e n   m a d e   o n   f o o d
> p_r_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_s  o*f* y*o*u*n*g c\h\i\l\d\r\e\n, b~u~t
> I dn't thnk thy ar rltd 2 Bld typ.

 - It certainly would!!! - And, of course, what would happen if the Kids
were given a choice of Raw vs. Cooked Foods - Could you imagine a bunch
of little Kids and Babies munching out and chowing down on Raw Meat and
Organs like Liver, Kidneys, and Brains - It might looked like a little
Freak Show!!! - All the Kids chanting: "We Want More Brains!!! We Want
More Brains!!!" over and over again - It'd be Hilarious!!!

 - Take Care!!!
 - Gregg!!!