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Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 8 Jun 1997 17:43:40 +0000
text/plain (54 lines)
Hi Bo7b,

I wrote:
>Not a good thing. Reason: if the heavy metals are stored in a region
>where they hinder cells/organs from functioning this goes on until in-
>finity. And if this region is the brain...

>Please he'p me unnerstan!  Martha asks about mercury being attracted to
>gold in teeth & you're talking storing metals in the brain.  Please to

It's not too difficult to get amalgam into your brain. If it's dissolved
in your teeth, then inhaled while in the mouth it's directly in the brain.
Hg-vapours are known to be several thousand times more toxic than
swallowed Hg.
Of course if amalgam is dissolved in your teeth you will also swallow
a part of it. Dunno, how much is inhaled, how much swallowed.

>Yes, lasts long alright.  Isn't the half-life of mercury stored in parts
>of the body in the range of several YEARS, around TWENTY in the brain,
>yes?  How does one speed this detox up so that the teeth can be restored
>before they crumble?

Half-life as you stated. Speeing up detox: take chelating agents. (This
is chemical detox.) I mentioned this in an earlier post. Half-life with
chelating agents: very very approximately 6-12 months.

>AND, I still am not understanding how bonding a gold only to a tooth
>after removing amalgam from it is bad, compared to NOT doing so .

The problem is, that (for unknown reasons speaking of distance) the gold
in the teeth tends to hinder amalgam all over in your body, but especially
near the gold, in your head, from being removed. Even if you use a chemical
Detoxing therefore is without effect if you still have gold in your body.
That's why I wrote, the detox must be done before gold is applied.

Allergy tests:
I heard, that EAV and kinesiologic tests work. But I've got no personal
experience with these tests. Also you have to find a doctor who is ex-
perienced with them.

Best dental regards and I hope I didn't disturb the other list members
too much with these issues. If this is to continue, Bob, perhaps we
should do it privately.


E-Mail: Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>