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Sheila Shea <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 7 Jun 1997 15:20:11 -0700 (MST)
text/plain (42 lines)
>On other topics...
>Ray Kent: I met him for the first time at the Expo. I read his book some years
>ago - pretty average natural hygiene book; not bad, not great. He was on the
>panel, and was funny at times. What struck me as odd though, was his frequent
>criticism of religion/spirituality, while praising Herbert Shelton. Perhaps
>he has made Herbert Shelton into a substitute for "God"? I don't know
>the answer to that question, but would comment that I have met many NHers
>who are devout Christians, but who seem to place Shelton above God.
>Personally.I think that is a very bad idea indeed.

Hi Tom,
Your reporting has been wonderful and being on the newsgroup has been a
real motivator to continue living foods to a greater degree. I come from a
background of constipation from toilet training age and eating disorders,
anorexia at 17 and bulimia at 26. The behaviors are over as of last year at
52 years! I began my transition in 1974 and within a few months felt raw
foods to be the ideal diet for me. It also helped me nutritionally get over
the eating disorders. Now I'm dealing with the mental and emotional healing.

Ray Kent and his wife were guest speakers in Tucson twice a few years ago
at the home of a chiropractor and his wife. I found him personally very
offensive and after the last time vowed not to attend any more events of
the kind.
The format was a raw food dinner and talk. The dinner was fine and I always
enjoy new recipes etc however he had such control in how much we could have
etc  that I lost interest.

The talks were very sex negative, punitive, and on the last one, he didn't
even answer the questions people asked. He just said whatever he wanted and
it didn't relate to the question. He seemed interested in talking only to
certain VIP type men attending and that was a bore. He also appeared
borderline anorexic or eating disordered. Needless to say, it was a bad

I was surprised to see his name appear as one of the speakers at the expo.
Hope this doesn't appear too negative however wanted to share my experience.

Kind Regards,
Always interested in Intestinal Health and Colon Hydrotherapy issues.