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Denis PEYRAT <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Mar 1997 23:28:40 +0100 (GMT)
text/plain (67 lines)

>>A more complete version of the first sentence would say:
>>And if it leads to dental damage, sugar addiction, nervous system damage from
>>vitamin B-12 deficiency, other deficiencies (zinc, calcium, vit. D),
>>weakened digestion, physical weakness in children, eating disorders and
>>related behavior, ordinary lunacy, or hostile zealotry/egoism (the direction
>>NFL is going in) - then it is a lose-lose situation. [The effects listed are
>>known side-effects of fruitarianism.]

>They are surely well rumored "side-effects", and things I have thought I
>witnessed myself,  back in the sixties and early seventies, while visiting
>some S. Calif. communes in their fruit orchard habitats...but, while
>"known", am not sure they're truly proven scientific facts.  There could
>well enough have been other factors in the total mileau.

>The SAD diet ruins teeth, too, right?  If the teeth rot and drop out it
>probably means the body chemistry (thank you Dr. Melvin Page) is badly
>askew, but whether the fruit did the main damage or not...I just don't know
>for a FACT this is so.  The Hawaiian natives had teethless grins from
>pineapple, I think we all accept, but there were many other polynesians
>living on OTHER less acidic fruits in the Pacific basin that have beautiful
>teeth...so, what's the full word?  Some of these exemplary choppers, you'll
>recall, sans color, are shown in the classic work by Dr. Price, "Disease
>and Physical Degeneration."

I read with some interest the description you gave of the Living Food/ Raw
food battlefield in California. Never heard about NFL before so let me react
with my candor and  ingenuity.

I'M  FLABBERGASTED. You guys are talking as if you had been offered the post
of Prime Minister and were currently reviewing the pros and cons of letting
your former NFL allies get one or two minor positions in your governemnt.
Wake up guys. You are far away from the promised land. Is the issue really
worth all that scribbling ?
I fully appreciate the fact that RAFers have a hard time trying to put their
case in the face of vegan  criticism in the US.[ We do not have this problem
in France since vegetarianism has never gained  a foothold, not to mention
Veganism.  I would not be surprised if there were more Instinctos than
militant vegetarians in France. As for vegans, I came across one or two  of
them years ago on stage for a TV show but I would not be able to tell you if
they still exist or not...] But I think you guys have better things to do
than pick a quarrel with vegan groups. To  think that  these guys could
steal away some of  the potential audience of INstinctive nutrition is a
nonsense :
Firstly  because people tend to move freely  from one group to another,
according to their passing mood and fancies, spreading around  the good
things they 've learned from you, seeding the seeds of change amongst the
vegans, the vegetarians, JUST WHEN  you are deploring their   departure from
your group.
Secondly because you seem not to have understood that the basis for all
"conversion" whether to Instincto or Veganism or  whatever....  is love and
passion, and not rationalizing. You may debunk NFL dogmas for hours in front
of an audience , people who have not opened their heart to you will surely
not open their hears to what you are saying. "They listened to him but they
did not hear what he said " (Bible) People sense very much your power to
love and to live, and they react instinctively to that sensation . Negative
energies towards anybody is just countereffective. Similarly, TOM,  saying
there are more weirdos amongst rawers than in any other group doesn't push
forward the debate. It might reassure the author of the sentence that he is
not one of these weirdos, but aren't we all weird, in some  sense ? And
isn't our peculiar "weirdness" what makes each of us so love-able ?