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Karen D Haas <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 11 Aug 1997 21:49:40 -0700
text/plain (21 lines)
HI Ellie
Well the Passover was originally from the night the angel of death "passed
over" the Jews & killed the first born of the Egyptians.  Later a "lamb" was used
to signify the "Lamb" which was to come and be sacrificed for all of mankind.

In genesis man was given the garden to tend and eat from. It wasn't until
the flood & Noah was removed from the ark that animal flesh was introduced (prior was
for sacrifices) chapter 9 is the intro for flesh vrs 3
"Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you: even as the green
herb have I given you all things."
4 "But, flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood, thereof, shall ye
not eat." Thanks for sharing!
Peace, Karen

> The Bible. For example, the Old Testement, and the use of lamb as a
> Passover food. Jesus went fishing with his disciples, also participated
> in the Passover. See also Ecclesiastes: 3:3."a time to kill."

> My best, Ellie