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Christian Schlepphorst <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 15:14:43 +0200
text/plain (33 lines)
 > > Jean-Louis:
 > > >Well, I will open a factory where people work 10 hours/day, 6 days/week,
 > > >with a low salary, no medical insurance. And people are free to go for
 > > >another job... Do you see the flaw?

> > No. It depends on the market. If there are too much unemployed people you
 > > will get them for nearly any conditions (although fluctuation might be
 > > high when they discover how bad the job really is). If there are too much
 > > jobs offered you won't find any workers for your bad conditions.
 > > Conditions are subject to changes according to the state the worker's
 > > market is in.

 > Sorry to talk too much about an off-topic subject, but you seem to have
 > ultra-rightist views. Believe me, market rules won't solve any problems.
 > If unions of workers hadn't fought hard to defend their rights, we would
 > still be working 60 hours/week, with poor conditions, etc.

I think, in a society with unemployment, the factory owner is in a
much better position than the workers. If the workers are
not willing to work for low wages, he can fire them because there are
enough other people trying to keep their families from
starving. Without the army of unemployed, he risks the production to
cease and *he* loses money. So under full employment, there is a
balance between employer and employee. Thus, there is no interest for
capital owners to fight unemployment. They lose their pressure on the
workers. So Stefan's argument only applies in a society with no or
very little unemployment.

Best wishes
