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"Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Jun 1997 15:10:46 -0700
text/plain (45 lines)
Robert Wynman <[log in to unmask]>:
>Gee, I've missed out somehow, having lived mostly raw food intake since '90 &
>not experienced much of the hate/fear stuff nor even zealots.  Perhaps I've
>led a sheltered life, mostly giving & seeking support in the  NHM2M?  Or
>perhaps I are one?  ;-)  Are the NLF (sp?) folks & the colonel what you're
>reffering to.  I was too late a subscriber to this list to experience that
>adventure & have not looked for it in the archives.

>I sure enjoyed your postings from the EXPO & would have enjoyed attending
>that function.  I will use your postings as a basis for discussion in futute
>NH M2M letters & would like your permission to quote freely.  I'd much MOR
>like that you join & contribute to the M2M.  I've found it to be the finest
>source of truth in health-related issues I've ever discovered, 'tho much
>slower than THIS list!

Just to reiterate: you, and any other raw-food list member (plus Bob Avery,
as he is the coordinator of M2M), are free to quote part(s) or all of the
EXPO postings in M2M. If Chet Day sees this, and he wants to use any of the
material in Health & Beyond, or on his web site, he is free to do so. I
make this offer because I believe that some of the material I wrote for the
Expo, deserves wide distribution in the raw foods community. In doing so,
it is not my intention to pressure anyone into publishing or quoting such
material - I just want to make it freely available, so the rawist community
can discuss the issues raised.

I put the notice in re: not crossposting, as I don't want the material
posted on the "raw" list (sole exception: the list of publications for
sale is cleared for "raw"). If the material is posted there, it might be
attacked by hostile, thoroughly dishonest zealots (guess who?), and I am
not interested in joining that list to defend my writings. (Also, I don't
want to see zealots mis-representing what I write.) The folks on raw
can read the Expo posts in the raw-food archive.

P.S. Side comment, brought to mind by the mention of hostile zealots. If a
dogmatic follower of T.C. Fry is a fry-bot, we need a new name for the
zealous, dogmatic followers of the new generation of fruitarian zealots. I
suggest the name: fruit-bot, the combination of the words "fruitarian" and

Tom Billings
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