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ombodhi thoren st john <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 21 Jan 1997 01:23:25 -0800 (PST)
text/plain (346 lines)

	today i successfully telnetted for the first time.  turns out i
had to simply change the location from cats.ucsc.edu to si.ucsc.edu.  for
over i year i've failed at telnet, and yesterday mom told me this
secret.  kind of a birthday present to go along with the backpack &
beeswax candles & fresh dates & vegetable candles & more.  the latter gift
had me craving more information.  how do they make vegetable candles?
anyone out there with experience in this use of fire?

	i awoke this morning in a small dorm room that three people had
exhaled into all night.  leaving the others asleep, i set out across the
dew-laden fields in search of potable fluid.  the brita filter didn't
impress me.  a kind coed out and about pomona college directed me to "the
village", where i found a restaurant that made fresh juice, then a full
fledged juice bar.  i had the special, _popeye's_secret_, with carrot,
parsley, and (of course!) spinach.  tasty juice.  then a shot of
wheatgrass.  the day looked bright & sunny as i wandered among the
growing crowds of students from the five claremont colleges, back here
for the first day of classes.

	still licking my chops from the fresh plant blood, i turned the
corner to find myself staring at a small sign hanging over the sidewalk:


	naturally, i walked in.  a white-haired gentlemen softly greeted
his only customer of the moment, and i quickly sized up his
establishment, "second street health foods", as a vitamin & book shop.
looking over his books, i soon found some gems.  as my stack grew on the
counter, i noticed the sparsely populated shelves & dusty bottles.  i
felt good about the old man, and wanted to support him, so i did buy a
bit more than i otherwise would have.  the haul:

	"amazing new health system - the inner clean way"
			by morris krok				$4.50

	"super-brain breathing for super health & high energy"
			by paul & patricia bragg  		$3.95

	"organic soil, a new concept in diet"
			by dr. ann wigmore
			 & dr. g.h. earp-thomas  		$2.95

	""raw" glandular supplementation: a nutritional approach"
			by nathan fitzgerald  			$1.45

	"life in the 21st century"
			compiled by viktoras kulvinskas
			edited by richard tasca, jr.  		$9.95

	"kidney troubles"
	(taken verbatim from the rare out of print books on natural healing)
			by george starr white, m.d.
			 & j.h. tilden, m.d.
			 & herbert m. shelton, n.d.
			 & jethro kloss				$4.00

	the final item has one piece from the january 1946 issue of
_dr._shelton's_hygeinic_review_.  i haven't had a chance to read any of
the essays, but did flip to the back of the "book" (stapled 8.5x11"
pages).  after jethro kloss, i noted a tract by father kneipp from his
seminal _my_water_cure_.  then i glanced over the list of books available
from "health research" (box 70, 8349 lafayette street, mokelumne hill,
california, 95245).  quite a slew of characters & subjects.  turning the
page i see an extensive list of "biosophical books" by dr. raymond
bernard (a.b., m.a., ph.d.), unless otherwise noted.  i don't know if
"health research" still offers any of these, or at what prices.  a few
of the titles with blurbs:

ESCAPE FROM DESTRUCTION -- How to Survive in an Atomic Age.  Escape into
Space, Escape Underground, South America As An Atomic Refuge.  The basic
theme of this book is that the increased frequency of nuclear explosions
will in time lead to a Radioactive Catastrophe, or the poisoning of the
air we breathe, the water we drink and the foods we eat with
radioactivity -- to such an extent that the surface of our planet becomes
unsuited for the continuance of human life.  We are rapidly approaching
such a state of affairs.  When this comes to pass -- will we excape from
this planet by the use of flying saucers?  mimeo.  $3.50

SCIENCE OF ORGANIC DIETETICS -- Its Theory and Practice.  The Course of
Study on the Science of Health Regeneration Through a Diet of Organic
Super-Foods.  A complete description of the nutritional value of Organic
Foods, with instructions on how to prepare and combine them to provide a
Balanced Organic Diet for the preservation and restoration of health... a
diet which will succeed when other diets, vegetarian or otherwise,
composed of non-organic foods (i.e., foods grown with chemical
fertilizers and sprays) fail.  This is a result of over thirty years of
nutritional research, study and experimentation in an effort to discover
the most ideal nutritional regimen for human health and immunity to
disease.  4 sections.  Mimeo.  $17.50

PYTHAGORAS -- The Immortal Sage -- Father of Vegetarianism and Natural
Hygiene -- An Account of His Life and Scientific Teachings of Human
Regeneration and of his School and Community at Crotona, and his
Nutritional, Eugenic, and Sociological Doctrines.  (Ready for delivery
June 1, 1958).  Mimeographed (Approximately 100 pages).  $6.00

GERIATRICS -- Science of Preserving Youth, Warding Off Old Age and
Prolonging Life.  Rejuvenation through Diet.  Mimeographed.  $4.50

SHALL WE EAT BREAD? -- Whole Wheat Myth Exploded.  Chemical Contamination
of Baker's Bread.  Mimeographed.  $4.50

HEALTH THRU SCIENTIFIC NUTRITION -- Scientific Defense of Low Protein
Vegetarian Diet.  Mimeo.  $4.50

SUPER FOODS FROM SUPER SOIL -- Learn About Super Foods For Health
Regeneration -- With Higher Vitamin and Mineral Content Many Times As
High As Ordinary Organically Grown Foods!  Mimeo.  $4.00

Modern Food Poisoning.  Mimeographed.  $4.00

NEWEST DISCOVERIES IN NUTRITION -- It is a popular idea today that
abundant consumption of protein, especially animal protein, is beneficial
to health, whereas lack of sufficient protein consumption may predispose
to disease.  Though this idea is now advanced by the medical profession,
and is supported by the extensive advertising propaganda of the Meat
Trust, it does not stand on any scientific basis, as the experiments of
Dr. Hindhede have proven.  Mimeographed.  $4.00

CONSTIPATION -- Mimeographed. $3.00

THE SECRET OF REJUVENATION -- The Great Physiological Discovery of
Professor Brown-Sequard.  Mimeographed.  $5.00

greatest historical and religious discoveries made during the past 2,000
years is the Dead Sea Scrolls.  There existed a sect of vegetarians and
natural hygienists.  $4.00

THE SECRET LIFE OF JESUS THE ESSENE --  A remarkable revelation
concerning the true character, life and crucifixion of Jesus by
eye-witnesses who knew Him, based on the Safed and Alexandrian Essene
Scrolls.  $4.00

APPOLONIUS THE NAZARENE -- An Astounding Revelation Saved From The Flames
that burnt the Alexandrian Library, which churchmen razed to the ground
to destroy all records of the mystery man of Christianity.  Apollonus of
Tyana, the historical Christ and World Teacher of the First Century, Now
Revealed to the World For the First Time.  $6.00


PHYSIOLOGICAL ENIGMA OF WOMAN -- Dr. Bernard.  This unique manuscript
contains an abridgement of Dr. George Starr White's rare book
Emancipation of Woman; Dr. Herbert M. Shelton's book, Menstruation, Its
Cause and Cure; and the chapter Female Degeneration from Dr. G. R.
Clements' Postgraduate Course.  The authors claim that a
_perfectly_healthy_ woman should _not_ menstruate.  You have the concepts
of four different doctors on the subject (from books which are now out of
print).  Illustrated covers, 8.5 x 11, mimeographed, 184 pages.  $10.00

FROM CHRISHNA TO CHRIST -- And the Original Gospel of the Lord of Love
and Master of Compassion, from which the Four Christian Gospels were
derived - A New Light on the Origin of Christianity.  This unique volume
is the finest from the pen of Dr. Bernard.  Profusely illustrated with
actual photographs from the rare book, Monumental Christianity by Lundy.
Illustrated cover.  $8.50

BREAD FROM STONES -- Translated from the German of Dr. Julius Hensel,
Agricultural Chemist (1894) By Dr. Bernard.  A New and Rational System of
Land Fertilization and Physical Regeneration.  Added material by Dr.
Bernard.  51 8.5 x 11 mimeographed pages, light cardboard covers.  $4.50

CLEAN CULTURE -- Revised & Enlarged by Dr. Bernard from the works of
Sampson Morgan, Pioneer of the Organic Movement, who first raised his
voice in England against the Use of Chemical Fertilization and Sprays.
77 mimeographed pages.  $6.00

THE CREATION OF THE SUPERMAN -- By Dr. Raymond Bernard, A.B., M.A.,
Ph.D.  From Natural Dietetics and Living the good life, the author takes
us right through the mill, giving us the alpha and omega of that which is
necessary to create a being who is spiritually, mentally and physically
balanced.  "The possibility of a woman living in chastity to procreate
at will makes her unquestionably the superior sex." -- 75 8.5 x 11
pages, facsimile, typewritten format.  $7.00

HERBAL ELIXIRS OF LIFE -- Mystery Herbs of the Far East Believed by
Orientals to Rejuvenate and Prolong Life. (1966) 31 pages, mimeo.  $4.00

MYSTERIES OF HUMAN REPRODUCTION -- Scientific Evidence that a Higher
Parthenogenetic Method of Hman Fertilization Exists by Which a Super Race
May be Created - A Method Distinct From and Superior to the Animal
Method, by which Nineteen Virgin Mothers in England produced children a
few years ago, as confirmed by investigations by a group of English
physicians and accepted by the British Medical Association as authentic
cases of Human Parthenogenesis or Virgin Birth... so says the author.  He
claims what these women can do - any woman can do.  Mimeographed,
illustrated light cardboard covers.  $8.50

AGHARTHA, THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD -- For the first time in human history,
a philosopher has dared to unveil the Mystery of Mysteries - which has
hitherto been concealed from the masses under the most severe of
penalties, claims the author.  Dr. Bernard says this Mystery was first
established by the Gods of Atlantis, prior to its destruction, when they
left their palaces on Mount Olympus in the center of the island-continent
and voyaged in their flying saucers through the polar opening, across the
Rainbow Bridge (Aurora Borealis) to Walhalla, their new home in the
Golden Palaces of Shamballah, capital of the Subterranean World of
Agharta.  Mimeographed, with offset illustrations, 8.5 x 11.  $5.00

FLYING SAUCERS FROM THE EARTH'S INTERIOR - A Sequel to the above volume,
"Agharta".  Contains much material from "A Journey to Earth's Interior"
by Gardner and "The Smoky God" by Emerson.  89 mimeographed pages, ills.
covers.  $5.00

THE HOLLOW EARTH -- Dr. Bernard says this is the true home of the flying
saucers.  The epoch-making significance of Adm. Byrd's flight for 1,700
miles into the north Polar opening leading to the hollow interior of the
earth, the home of a Super Race who are the creators of the flying
saucers - will startle the world.  The author claims that this remarkable
book proves that there exists on the inside of the earth's crust, which
is about 800 miles thick, a New World, home of a Super Race and Super
Civilizaton.  New, added chapters by Dorothy Ann Wilborn.  125
lithographed & mimeographed pages, illustrated.  $9.00

THE SERPENT FIRE -- The Awakening of Kundalini - Secret Yoga Methods of
Rejuvenation Through Awakening a Mysterious Power at the Base of the
Spine, Known as Kundalini or the Serpent Fire, and Causing it to Ascend
to the Brain, Which it Energizes and Vitalizes.  Mimeographed,
illustrated cover.  $8.50

THE TREE OF LIFE Or, Human Degeneracy: Its Nature and Remedy -- As based
on the Elevating principle of Orthopathy in two parts -- By Isaac
Jennings, M.D. (1867) A total of 369 pages.
	Hundreds of natural hygienists have asked us to locate this rare
gem, but thus far we've found only the one copy.  We were offered $150
many years ago, but knew that at one time we would finally reproduce it
so that thousands could read it.  Spiral binding, light cardboard cover;
	Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, N.D. says: Dr. Isaac Jennings of Oberlin,
Ohio, deserves mention in any account, however, of the development of
this (Hygienic or Orthopathic) movement.  In 1822, after 20 years spent
in the practice of regular medicine, he gave up pills, plasters, powders,
and potions of the saddle bag and launched out into a new and untrodden
field.  He gave up drugs completely and gave his patients bread pills,
colored water, and starch powders (placebos).  The price of this rare
book in facsimile is......$17.50

HANDBOOK OF HYGIENIC PRACTICE -- Intended As a Practical Guide for the
Sickroom by R.T. Trall, M.D. arranged alphabetically with the index,
illustrated (copyright 1864) 300 pages, light cardboard covers, spiral
binding; facsimile.....$15.00

PIONEER TEACHERS -- By F.H. Behncke; a valuable reference guide for the
student of health who wishes to know about the various great authors such
as Kellogg, Kneipp, Kuhne, Trall, Fletcher, Ehret, Drews, etc.  By
category, a short biography is given on many of the famous authors of
works on health.  Stapled.....$6.00

FASTING VITALITY AND NUTRITION -- A physiological study of the curative
power of fasting, together with a new theory of the relation of food to
human vitality by Hereward Carrington, Ph.D. (Reprinted 1963 by Health
Research); 648 large, indexed pages.....$27.50

HOW NATURE CURES -- By Emmet Densmore, M.D. (1892) 413 indexed pages,
spiral bound, light cardboard cover.....$12.50

THE TRUE SCIENCE OF LIVING -- The new gospel of health, practical and
physiological.  Story of an evolution of natural law in the cure of
disease.  For physicians and laymen.  How the sick get well; how they get
sick.  Alcoholics freshly considered - By Edward Hooker Dewey, M.D.
(1895) 323 pages, spiral bound, light cardboard covers.....$15.00

THE NATURAL FOOD OF MAN -- Being an attempt to prove from comparative
anatomy, physiology, chemistry and hygiene that the original, best and
natural diet of man is fruit and nuts - By Hereward Carrington Ph.D.  286
indexed pages; spirals.....$12.50


	my hands & forearms faintly ache from typing.  "bodhi, are you
still typing that one email message?!?!"  dorm life here at pomona
college has started to wind down to a dull roar now (1am).  i'll toss the
futon on the floor and try to recoup some nerve force.  a few last
comments on the other books, i bought:

	_life_in_the_21st_century_ i already own, but this one has a
beautiful purple cover, much nicer than the grey one back in santa cruz.
and i've only found that one copy in all my used book store perusings.  i
hear it went out of print, and ten bucks for such great condition
inspired me to part with those little tickets of survival (money).

	_"raw"_glandular_supplementation:_a_nutritional_approach_ will
not get me popping pills made from animal adrenals, pancreas, liver,
thyroid, pituitary, brain, heart, thymus, kidney, stomach or duodenum.
but for the cheap price, i thought i'd buy it just for the paragraph that
caught my eye on the first page:
	<<< When predators like wolves or lions kill prey, the first
tissue they consume is the organ meat, such as the kidneys and adrenals,
liver, heart, and brain.  Primitive human hunters follow the same
pattern, eating the organs first and saving the red meat for later.
there is a logic to this pattern: if some larger or stronger animal
drives them off the prey before they have consumed it all, they have
already gotten the best and most concentrated nutrition. >>>

	hey now, anyone know of a source of raw, organic glandular
products, preferably from wild game?  i had a dream last night that i
found a gorgeous dark wood bow and a single arrow.  i slung it over my
chest & back.  at times i practiced notching the arrow and pulling back
the bow, but i never let it fly.  i think i need to read that book i saw
years ago: _the_zen_of_archery_.  any suggestions for hunting paraphenilia?
i have a strong bias against guns, and would love to never fire one...
perhaps a samurai sword that could slice through a chicken's neck
instantly and quickly... or whatever i could approach without
agitation... chasing an animal, causing fear?  no, not for me.  the fear
would poison the meat to some extent, i feel.  adrenaline saturated.

	rene, i could see myself of a few years ago in your post.  now i
feel in harmony with what kirt wrote (thank you kirt!  and when can i
read your book?)  if you can eat fruit & thrive, more power to you.  but
please try to recognize that some of us who have aspired to
fruitarianism, gone down the raw vegan path some ways, now see beauty &
joy in the way of a conscious & compassionate carnivore.  i respect your
right to live the way you do.  respect those who cause no unnecessary
harm, but consume all they kill.  and i still love you, despite my shock
& sadness while reading your words.

	peter, you gave zephyr these url's:


	it mystifies me why you, as moderator, did not give instead, or
at least along with the above, these url's:


	i discovered the last one by guessing, based on the above.  and i
want to thank you for all the time & effort you've put into making this
list my favorite virtual experience.  i think many here would agree.
