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Tue, 24 Dec 1996 08:26:06 +0000
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> If I am correct that you are a newcomer to a raw diet, you are one
> hell of a perceptive guy.

Thanks for this. I am relatively new. The door for me was Fit for
Life, read during a summer night in an argentinian coastal town, in
december 1993. I went all raw in April 95.

 You have it 100% correct: that it is
> almost impossible not to get enough protein on a raw diet as long as
> it is not entirely fruit (for various reasons I think fruit should
> make up at least half, if not 2/3rds of our calories).

 My intuition tells me this too, but what about the supposed
deleterious (=A1!) effects of the unnaturally high sugar content of the
fruits we have access to? What do you think about this? Bob Avery
told me a few days ago that a general recomendation is 1.25 pounds of
fruit a day. For me this very low, and in fact I had been eating
maybe 4 or 5 pounds of mostly sweet fruit for a year or so. Now I am
told that this is not good, I am not being a good to my body, too
much sugar, etc.

What other food would you include as an acceptable calorie source?

> You eat nuts or seeds, a lot of he stuff too.
> I often wonder if seeds/nuts are even necessary, or if just leaves &
> fruit will be fine.

I feel exaclty the same way, and now that I am going to start growing
my own greens, even more so. But aren' nuts an essential part of the
diet, in the long run? How can anybody find out? I think in general
hygienists tell you to have some nuts and seeds.

> I don't think you should eat little fruit, I think you should eat
> mostly fruit (low protein is in fact one of the reasons I think this
> way).  But if your question is changed around a little to: designing
> a diet with just enough protein, I think that Nature has already
> done this: fruit.

Again: what about the excessive sugar content?
Do you think even the excess of protein derived from eating plenty of
greens is damaging? Is this the same for other primates? Do they have
low protein requirements too? Because if gorillas do, then eating all
those greens is going to shorten their lifespans.

One last question: what would be worst: the excessive sugar content
of current civilized fruits or the excess protein intake associated
with the reduction of the fruit intake? ( I vote for the second one)
