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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"Issodhos" <[log in to unmask]>
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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 12:32:28 EST
text/plain (56 lines)
I suspect that once the orgasmic glow has begun to recede, the non-liberal
segment of the thinking left will recognize that the Seattle gig has changed
nothing.  The window breakers will continue to pat themselves on the back and
tell each other what glorious revolutionaries they are, the
'environmentalists' will continue to attempt to be included in the WTO so
that they too can wield its undemocratic power over the masses, the union
bosses will continue to proclaim concern for the 'workers of the world' while
attempting to keep the gravy train flowing to their own members (thus
preserving their own personal power) at the expense of everyone else,
brain-dead Liberals will continue to gush about their empathy for the
'oppressed' (perhaps even having a mass "bean and rice" brunch to emphasize
their commitment),  the MarxistStalinistLeninistTrotskyistMaoistFredMertzist
gangs will continue to intellectually castrate each other in the name of
purity of vision, the corporatists and their political hirelings will continue
 to plod along on their way to a centralization of power over the populus
made possible by the continued DE-centralization of the people's political
power into meaningless hate-filled "identity" groups made up of a multitude
of inbred cultures (otherwise known as Duh-versity) -- what an
extraordinarily useful tool for those in power.

     Poverty pimps and race hustlers such as the NAACP, La Raza, Jackson,
Farrakhan and company, and their apologists will continue to ensure that
enmity increases between the races in America, and pseudo-teachers in what we
euphemistically refer to as institutes of higher learning will continue to
promote post modernist gibberish to their acolytes so as to ensure no
independence of thought.  Politicized multiculturalists (some of the most
racist people of any color) will continue to squeal their hatred of anything
white -- including themselves.  Students incarcerated in our schools will be
taught less and less the discipline of independent thought and more and more
what is proper for them to 'think' (actually, what to feel -- and even then
at a superficial level).  The races will continue in the direction of
voluntary self-segregation aided by the enthusiastic support of many of those
who administer America's  schools and universities.

    ChristiansMuslimsJewsAtheists will continue to maintain the Divide
thereby assuring their political impotence in the face of the beast.  The
nationalist will adorn himself in the raiment of the local religion of
convenience and wage Jihad against the "infidels" thus consolidating his
power among a fearful populus.  The 'hero' will step forward and reassure
enough frightened people (those never taught the discipline of independent
thought) that he will eliminate the danger by eliminating the "enemy" whether
it be the Democrat party or the "evil empire" or the Republican party, etc.
The armed RevolutionaryFreedomfighterTerroristGuerillaSoldier will continue
to stupidly fight to simply swap one self-serving power structure for another.

    And when it is all said and done, one has to ask whether we deserve
anything different.  Each time the sides are drawn we end up being nothing
more than flip sides of the same material loving coin.  We are fighting over
a pie to determine WHO gets to CONTROL the size of the portions and to whom
they will be distributed.  "Democracy", "Liberty", "Rights" are simply
gibberish strewn along the path as so much chaff meant to disguise the real
prize upon which we keep our collective eye.