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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Mon, 19 Jul 1999 16:37:02 -0400
text/plain (79 lines)
>He is Chairman of the Board of Editors of the Encyclopaedia Britanica,
>Director of the Institute for Philosophical Research, and Honorary
>Trustee of the Aspen Institute.  He is the Honorary Chairman and
>Cofounder of the Center for the Study of Great Ideas.  He is a


>> This is assuming that we are currently civilized.  If anything, wild
animals are much more humane then we are.
>Then why aren't you living like one?  Wild animals can't be humane,
>because being humane requires choosing between being humane and being
>inhumane.  Wild animals are not burdened with making that choice.

They don't think, but they do make choices, all the time.  Do I climb up
this tree, do I run in that direction?

The thing that makes it sooo ironic is that they are more humane then us.
We are the humans and yet we treat each other worse then animals treat each
other animals(I'm not going to even talk about how we treat animals).  Sad
state of being but that's why they call us civilised!

>Well, in fact you can.  You can go back to living without government.

Now I'm liking what your saying....

>Government is people making laws and agreeing to be governed by those
>laws.  Social democracies generally work that way.  Not perfectly, of
>course, and much improvement is needed.  But if what you are saying
>were true, there would be a lot more revolutions going on than there
>are right now.


I see you don't know what Governments are, but you do know what Governments
have told you they are.

Those how decide to make the rules are governed by them but also impose it
on those who never made the rules or agreed to follow them.
And so problems occur and you must use many different methods of attack to
prevent a revolution from happening and keep the joes disorganized and
feeling helpless.
Without these measures, the government and all power structures would fall
and a revolution would occur.

>> He says that he is "not sure" if the society needs government.  Also, he
>> believes any authority(even those that are temporary, but government is
>> forever) needs to be justified.
>Why don't you put the question to him directly?  Ask him this:  Do you
>think the world population can live in peace and harmony with no rules
>of government at all?

You know I could actually ask him that, me and him are really tight!  I'm
just joking, but I wouldn't bother him with such questions.  The man's busy,
you know.

What I said in the last email was correct, there is a quote somewhere that
has Noam saying he isn't sure if we need governments or not.

But I do think the world population can live in peace and harmony with no
government at all?

We need rules of course.  But if I follow those rules I must be allowed to
make those rules(like voting on it).  If we, together, create a rule through
the democratic process and I stil hate it, I should be allowed to leave the
association without being jailed or killed.

These sort of freedoms do not occur within our societies.  Maybe they should.


Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes
Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal