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Fri, 22 May 1998 10:28:58 PDT
Kristine Stein <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Some moron named Jeff wrote

<<Who the hell do you think you are for saying some thing like that?!
You're a moron.  Do think twice, if you eat raw meat YOUR genetic line
WILL end. I've gone from sterile to stud on a fruitarian diet. And I've
met many people who hardly eat anything at all. If you're not a vegan, a
fruitarian and a 100%, nature will eliminate you. And if it doesn't, I

You self-important, arrogant, conceited, moron!  Who the hell do you
think you are telling people they are going to die when you are addicted
to fruit!  You 95% hyprocrit!  You've met people like me who don't eat
food, and you're still eating food?  You FOOL!  And now you're writing a
book about it to get the rest of the world addicted to fruit!  Who the
hell do you think you are threatening cooked food, bread, and meat
addicts. Let them live their LIFE and die.  Nature takes it's course.
You are not God!  You are MORTAL.  In fact, if you keep living on fruit
you're going to die faster than they are, and I won't need to "ELIMINATE
YOU"!  You're doing it your SELF!

Unless you give up this fruit addiction, your genetic line WILL end.
That's reality baby, and I'm old enough to be your great grandmother, so
listen to me, or I'll throw you over my knee and slap your bare bottom!
You fruit eating, preaching, self-important assholes are all the same,
your brain is so addicted to sugar you're losing your mind.  Give up
fruit, Jeff, either live on air, as you say your friends do, or go back
to meat, because this fruit bullshit is killing you.

Do you get it?  Do you hear me?  You are hypocrit Jeff.  You want to
kill the bread and meat addicts because they expose your own addiction.
You're a fraud.  It's a good thing I'm sane, and compassionate,
otherwise, I would eliminate you.  But no, I have a heart, so I'm
warning you, give up fruit or you'll die Jeff.

It's 100% you 95% fruit eater. "If you are not 100% Nature will
eliminate you".   You are moderation JEFF!!  Either go 100% NO FOOD, or
100% FOOD. Fruit is for sissies! It's for pretenders.  You believe
you're 100% when you're 95% and you place yourself next to us
breatharians!  HA HA HA!   People like you make me laugh, all EGO, no
heart.  Either go 100% human diet, or 100% air, anything in between will
just KILL YOU, you insane fool.
