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Tue, 19 Aug 1997 06:56:33 -0600
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
>LA RAF (Los Angeles Raw Animal Food Support Group) held its first meeting

Ha! Just when I thought the raw world was getting a bit boring...;)

>The main attraction of the potluck was a long time raw food eater (eight
>years on a diet consisting of 95% raw organs) who brought a wide selection
>of organs and bones. I tried raw brain, testicles, stomach, thymus gland,

Wow, Peter, you seem pretty dedicated to RAF if you were able to try these
foods even against your "conditioning". Congrats. Could you summarize the
other folks' reaction to their (perhaps) first taste of organs? Perhaps
Aajonus' clients had a big taste for them (being theoretically "overloaded"
on flesh and dairy)?

>He eats instinctively, rarely chews his foods

A contradiction in terms maybe ;) So he scarfs the stuff down like the
whole anchovy? What sort of amounts does he eat?

>(seeing him swallow whole anchovies was quite an experience) and claims to
>have a taste for raw organs only. He seems to be in great shape and is not
>concerned about not getting the organs of organic or instinctive quality as
>he has found these to often be of inferior quality with the animals at
>times full of worms.

I assume he doesn't like worms then. ;)

>Regarding fish he says that fish should NOT be gutted
>just after being caught so any parasites in the fish are allowed to travel
>from the muscles to the guts.

Does he eat the guts of larger fish? Is he "wanting" to avoid the parasites
by doing this?

>About half of those attending the potluck were on different versions of
>Aajonus' diet.

And how did they seem to be doing? How many folks were there in total? Not
all "three thousand" of his clients I assume. ;)

>The argument was made by several that in serious cases of
>arthritis and other immuno-disorders especially if caused by severe
>chemical toxicity that a diet high in raw dairy and raw muscle meat such as
>Aajonus recommends would not be the optimal diet and that one high in raw
>cartilage, marrow and organs would be preferable being the ultimate form of
>live cell therapy. Aajonus is more conservative in recommending organ meats
>as he is concerned with too many toxins being concentrated in them.

These were Aajanus' clients arguing this?

>have taste for is raw cow's milk and cream - and still have a difficulty
>eating meat or fish so I am happy for the support a group like this provides.

I bet. I'm happy that you have found such support. Might you post this on
the paleo-list as well? Or if you are not subbed to that list, might I?
