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Tue, 27 May 1997 17:14:02 -0500 (CDT)
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
>Has there been any discussion here of hyperoxygenation & encouragement
>of alkaline environment in enabling the body to prevent bacteria,
>viri, parasites & cancer cells from getting out of hand?

Yes, some. Most authorities on parasites I have found agree that an
alkaline gastrointestinal environment causes them to proliferate and
therefore they warn against eating a too alkaline diet.

>Speaking with & reading research of Dr. William Philpott lately get
>me interested in these approaches.  He administered tens of 1,000's of
>ozone therapies to folks attempting to help their bodies get rid of
>unwanted "outacontrol" parasites for 30 years

The ozone I suspect will help kill off the parasites but might also
create an alkaline environment - if this is true, not much is gained.

> & for the last many years has had more success allowing the body to
>do it all on its own, simply augmenting the negative magnetic field
>that the earth is apparently no longer providing adequately.  Any of
>y'a;l had knowledge/experience in these areas?"

I have but not enough to comment. It sounds compelling, though.

>My latest plan of  attack is to buy a food processor and start making
>RAF pates.

>Peter, last time I checked you had a perfectly marvelous food
>processor directly beneath that magnificent nose.  Why not use it to
>begin processing your food?

Because I have tried it without much luck and do not have the patience
to wait for my slumbering instincts to wake up. Many people have
succeeded in jump-starting their instincts and overcoming their
aversion to RAF by processing it. If this dosen't work for me, I will
have to try some serious aversion therapy or join VA (Vegan

>Alzheimers patients have lesions of mamillary bodies, anterior
>and dorsal medial nuclei of the thalamus, etc. This is why there is
>such an interlap of symptoms. People with Alzheimers usually develop
>other psychiatric symptoms and may well have food addictions too.

I forget if you have covered this earlier but what might the effect of
raw fat be on these lesions and on the toxicity caused by repressing
traumatic feelings?

>I know of least one case of a woman who was app. 42 years old when she
>switched to raw nutrition. She was vegan then.  After several years
>she discovered instinctive nutrition.  She stayed at Montrame for
>learning instincto. There she was offered (of course) RAF. The raw
>mackeral smelled incredible good to her. So she ate it and it gave her
>the most pleasurable experience with fish you have ever had. It think
>it is very too late. To break you conditioning I recommend eating a
>tiny amount of RAF (fish/eggs/ meat) - just some grams. This will give
>your instinct a chance to know, that it is really available now. Then
>wait a week and smell RAF. I heard of this trick from other instinctos
>with vegan history.

Stefan, thanks! I appreciate the advice and encouragement. I have tried
doing it exactly as you describe but no luck so far. It is comforting
to know that others have overcome serious vegan conditioning, and I
will definitely put mackerel on top of my shopping list.

Zephyr: What are the names of the two stores in Santa Barbara & San
Francisco that you mentioned have fresh, high quality RAF and how do
they compare to the Santa Monica Sea Food Co. on 12th and Colorado in
Santa Monica?

Best, Peter
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