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Mon, 26 May 1997 02:31:07 -0500 (CDT)
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (117 lines)
>Yet what are the risks of SAD, or Fruitarianism or NH,....
>cancer, heart disease, and on and on.. I have a friend my age (I'm 69
>by the way next week, a triple Taurus and very stubborn), who was NH
>for over 25 years, much of the time on all raw, veggies, fruit, nuts,
>etc. and she now has a breast tumor that has metastasized. She doesn't
>want to try RAF and is taking the advice of Bernarr and a friend of

And if their prescribed treatment does not help, it will be because she
did not fast long enough, rest enough, close her eyes long enough,
think enough positive thoughts, focus intensely enough on the
divine..... These are all negative messages that rather than promote
healing will fan her feelings of inadequacy & insecurity that probably
caused her in the first place to seek further help from a program that
after 25 years has failed her. - I do not envy your friend's position.

> I don't wan't that advice, it already got me in trouble. I don't hold
>nyone responsible for bad advice, but I do think it's O.K. to ask them
>o think about it when it doesn't work.

Their world is upside down: the less who are able to follow their
advice the more the efficacy of it is proven. Bernarr will tell you in
grueling detail how all the authorities of natural hygiene have died
terrible deaths yet his belief in natural hygiene seems almost
strengthened by their failure.

>As I also posted, my total cholesterol/HDL ratio has gone from 3/1 to
>2/1 and my triglcerides dropped to 25.

I find it very encouraging that you are getting such improvements on a
high fat diet. Congratulations!

>Unless people learn to direct anger in a healthy way toward the
>abusers, the neurons will remain clogged up and the body will
>periodically attempt to detox, and hence their symptoms will continue,
>regardless of what kind of food they eat.

Riveting! If you can make your case convincingly, it means we will have
a reliable method of monitoring the effectiveness of therapy.

>>For information of up-coming appearances with Bill Mollision in
>>Southern California call 415-365-2993.

>As a one-time student of Bill's here in Australia, I can't recommend
>seeing and hearing him highly enough. He's getting on, and these
>opportunities will be limited I think.
>Permaculture answers many of the questions re purity of product, and
>interactivity of foodstuffs, lifestyle and occupation, which arise
>periodically on this list.

I attended the lecture with Bill Mollison and was very glad I did as it
turned out to be one of his last California appearances before his
up-coming retirement. Bill, a crusty but very entertaining character,
will with his impressive work for a sustainable future for the planet
go down in history as one of the most legendary human beings to have
lived. He predicts that the Western World will collapse in its own
greed and filth and that change will come from the poor masses of the
world empowering themselves through the practice of permaculture. I
asked him of the role of animal foods in the diet in a sustainable
society, and he answered that in the cold, temperate & arctic climate
zones they would consist up to 40-45%% of the diet and in the warm
tropics 2-3 %.

Bill will be giving a two week hands-on course in permaculture in Ojai,
CA in  June - I forget the dates - and a similar course in Northern CA,
in July. If interested call the no. above to get more information.
Prices are very reasonable so anybody contemplating attending should
grab this rare opportunity to tap the wisdom of this unusually gifted

>We are one. That means I must serve you, if I wish to please myself.

Consider it done, Bhodi, and welcome back to the list! You have been
missed by many, including yours sincerely.

>OTOH, we all use cars and/or public transportation, occasionally
>travel by plane... And even a round trip by plane for a Bob Avery
>without luggage after a 18-day fast (83 lbs) is equivalent to a single
>ticket for 28 durians of 6 lbs -. [This is a paleo-smiley]

If his travels were about 4000 miles round trip, yes. ;-) I doubt,
though, that durian eaters curtail their travel activities to be able
to indulge themselves with less guilt, or that persons like myself
should travel guilt free because we do not consume durians. Fact is as
long we are not putting more energy into the cycle of nature than we
are taking out, we are squandering the limited non-renewable resources
of the planet, but since I do not quite practise what I preach, I had
better let you enjoy your durians in peace until I do.;-)

>You're doing a fine job, in my opinion.

Thanks, I appreciate your words, even though I do not always live up to

>What do you base this on? Much of my experience with wild animals
>leaves me with the impression that they are often searching for
>anything that is _edible_ not something that is _luminous_. But of
>course, I'm quessing. Aren't you as well?

If the above is true it means that taste is mainly a screening
mechanism that makes sure that the animals do not eat anything
poisonous, but that does not rule out that taste is not also guided by
pleasure. Animals will often go through a lot of trouble to obtain the
foods they fancy - such as honey - and I doubt that chimps would spend
days elaborately "fishing" out the termites from their tertiary with
sticks if they did find them delicious.

Best, Peter
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