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Fri, 9 May 1997 12:19:58 +0000
Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
>Well... Isn't there a contradiction?

Difficult to say. Anyway there is too much second hand information here.
To say something about the issue I would have to dig deeply into the cir-
cumstances of the ape watchings. Sorry, but I don't consider this to be
so important for me now that I will do it.
And I'm not an ape. I am a member of the species homo sapiens which is
perhaps 95 or 99% genetically identical to chimpanzees but not 100%.
If it is true really, that Methusaleh lived 969 years, there would be
lots of things to be explained. I don't think that the livespan of apes
exceeds even 80 years.
And human beings with a life expectation of 1000 years shouldn't loose
their teeth after 70 years and shouldn't be killed by one ridiculous

>IMO, any not-scavenged meat (like Orkos meat) eater should fully endorse
>the responsibility of the killing. Never killing with one's own hands
>seems somewhat dishonest to me (you may or may not agree; it's just my
>own feeling).

This doesn't hit the point. Eating meat of animals that were killed for me
is a substitute for getting scavenged meat. It would take an enormous
expenditure to provide meat commercially and reliably if it has to be
scavenged. Slaughtering seems to be the only solution.
I agree with Karl, that because of our preference for aged meat it can
assumed that in ancient times we were scavenging mostly, not hunting.
I think, that a certain small percentage of our meat came from hunting.
I conclude that you can't judge anyone buying meat from Orkos or any other
commercial dealer who is slaughtering, because there is no other possibilit=

But you might find it dishonest (as I do) if people are buying living
animals (e.g. crabs) and instead of killing them (which they are unable
to do) let them die at room temperature slowly. This is something I am
always complaining about. I mentioned it in my post of 5/6/95 (Re: From
Deborah re Zephyr - PART 1 (LONG!))

Best regards,
