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Mon, 28 Apr 1997 16:41:10 +0000
Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Hi all,

I would like to discuss a subject of instinctive nutrition here. If haven't
scanned all archives yet (costs much time), therefore give me a hint if this
has been treated before.

I read in some archives that instinctos (like me) eat until the taste change
This is called the stop or instinctive stop. I read always of a taste change
nothing of other feelings or observations that can occur.
So here is my personal list of what I consider to be a stop also:

1.  A feeling that my stomach is full
2.  I am satisfied and don't want to continue
3.  My stomach gives a feeling as if it has become a hard knot and can't
    take in any further food
4.  I am biting into my lips/into the mucous membrans of my mouth. If I
    continue it occurs more and more
5.  I let drop my fruit. Also occurs more and more if I continue
6.  A scratching feeling in my throat
7.  My lips stick together as if I had eaten an adhesive
8.  I swallow the wrong way. See 4.
9.  A burning feeling on my tongue or in my throat
10. My mouth becomes so dry that it is impossible to continue
11. The muscles of my jaw seem to tire. Most often if eating hard vegetables.
    It is more and more difficult to chew
12. I make mistakes when opening another fruit. E.g. instead of cracking the
    next nut I jam my fingers; instead of cutting the next piece of a sweet
    potato I cut into my hand
13. I have no strength anymore to crack another nut, to get out one more
    piece of a jackfruit and so on
14. The food in my mouth doesn't change its taste but it changes its
    consistency: it becomes slimy, glibbery, sticky, ... (always unpleasant)
15. The mucous membrans of my mouth or by tongue become etched by the
food  and protest.
16. I must cough. See 4.

Item 12 is nice: knives didn't exist in ancient times. How did nature know
that today we are using knives to eat? (I consider it to be clumsiness, lik=

I wish you a clear stop
