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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
Jonathan Julius Dobkin <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 20 Nov 2000 18:01:47 -0500
Hanon <[log in to unmask]>, Beth <[log in to unmask]>, Bobby <[log in to unmask]>, Jerry Goralnick <[log in to unmask]>, JK <[log in to unmask]>, Joanie <[log in to unmask]>, Lois & Charles Mingus <[log in to unmask]>, Lucie <[log in to unmask]>, Nene <[log in to unmask]>
"J.J. Dobkin" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (73 lines)
> ** Original Subject: A New York City Anarchist Revival Meeting
> ** Original Sender: Bob Erler <[log in to unmask]>
> ** Original Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 17:27:15 -0500

> ** Original Message follows...

>A New York City Anarchist Revival Meeting

     During the last two weeks about 10 of us local anarchists have
grown rather excited about the possibilities of forming or renewing a
group that would provide a connection and help to all the anarchists of
the NYC metro region.  Since we are anarchists we don't agree on all the
details involved in such a group, but we have become so aroused by the
potential for such a group that we have scheduled an initial renewal or
revival meeting for 1pm Saturday November 25, 2000 in the Muste Room at
339 Lafayette St. and are asking all anarchist groups to send a
representative or if you're not in a group just come by yourself.  (Take
the 6 to Bleecker or the B, D, F or Q to Broadway/Lafayette and you're
there; just ring the buzzer at 339 and that's it.)

          What we do agree on:
* Anarchism worldwide and nationwide is becoming the center of increased
* The New York City region, although it has many anarchists, might
benefit from greater cooperation and mutual aid.
* We want to know if other anarchists in the region also feel that a
group formed with the goal of assisting such aid and cooperation should
* If others agree in sufficient numbers, we want to help such a group
begin providing the vital aid that is desired and needed.

            What might such a group do?
 On the answers to this question there is not total agreement but some
possibilities are: initiating, endorsing or supporting various direct
actions; assistance in raising funds; providing information on anarchist
activities through the internet, print, meetings and/or phone; finding
anarchists with skills that might help groups whose members don't have
those skills-e.g. website design, publication editing, etc.; getting
spaces for anarchist meetings, offices, bookselling, parties, etc.;
helping to support alternative community structures; outreach to the
media and to non- or not yet anarchists; connections to anarchists in
other areas; publishing; training programs; a speakers bureau; a
strategy and tactics planning group; prisoner support; retreats; road
shows; film series; sports teams; starting mutual aid and affinity
groups; helping to increase diversity within the movement; producing a
manifesto; providing facilitators and/or arbiters.

          Other things we don't all agree on:
* How this group might be linked to the Atlantic Anarchist Circle, the
Mutual Aid Network or other regional, continental or international
anarchist groups.
* What the structure, decision making or membership of this group might
be.  But we've learned that some decisions on these things can be made
quickly and effectively.
* A name for the group, but we're open to good suggestions, e.g. front
or federation.

        It is urgent that the possibility of such a group, that will
assist other anarchist groups in focusing their energies, be considered
quickly and perhaps gotten up to speed before the end of the year.
Please attend the meeting if possible and spread the word to others.
        If you have questions, contact Elliott at (
[log in to unmask] ) or by phone or fax at 718-267-9723;  BoB
at [log in to unmask]; or get connected to the Atlantic Anarchist
Circle listserve at [log in to unmask] for further questions and

>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **
