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Lynton Blair <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 10 Aug 1997 05:21:09 GMT
text/plain (34 lines)
Peter  wrote:
>>P.S. Apparently, the discussions about eating animals have upset some
>>ex-subscribers. I understand that perfectly, and agree that the
>>volume on that issue shouldn't be disproportionately high, but it's
>>up to the vegetarians of this list to "speak" up if they want other
>>issues to be discussed!

>Nice gesture, Jean-Louis!  The discussions on animal foods sometimes
>can get a little too graphic for even myself who is experimenting with
>these foods, so I can certainly relate to how somebody who is avoiding
>them completely might feel. I take this opportunity to encourage our
>vegan and vegetarian subscribers to jump in and let their presence
>be felt some more.

Its funny how up to a short time ago, I was hoping to be totally raw vegan.
Finally I felt that I had to give RAF a go, for health reasons.
Now, a lot of my interest on the list is with RAF, I admit: its because I
have few resources to help me with this relatively strange medium.

That doesn't get away from the fact that I also need a lot of info about
eating roots, stems, leaves, sprouts, fruits and seeds.
There must be a great deal of knowledge on the list about the healthy eating
aspects of these, and I would appreciate seeing posts on them.

As for mentioning RAF: I don't want to tread on anyone's sensibilities,  but
lets be realistic its not a raw-veg list...

Are there any Vegan Instinctos? for what amount of time?
