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Ellie Rotunno <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 2 Aug 1997 19:01:50 -0700
text/plain (95 lines)
Robert Wynman wrote:
> Re: magnetic energy and sleep  Any of y'all experienced in this area?

Hi Bob, I attach my two responses to you in M2m here.

        Bob W. . Re nerve energy. We are not born with a fixed amount. We
have a low level of constant electrical energy that travels through
nerves withoutthe nerves being excited, but we are born with a fixed
capacity for nerve energy. Nerve energy can be defined as the ionic flow
of electrical nerve impulses along the fibers of neurons, and is
transmitted from neuron to neuron by chemical neurotransmitters at the
synapses. The availability of nerve energy is determined by the supply of
precursors for neurotransmitters, other metabolites and structures, by
cellular metabolic capacity, and by the general health of the neuron.
During slow delta wave sleep neurotransmitters are synthesized and
restored. But the kind of sleep caused by drugs, electricity, including
electricity generated by magnets, is not the kind of sleep we need. It is
the result of toxicosis. Nerve energy is chemically transferred, and not
increased by any outside force like electrical input from magnets or any
other electrical source. Electrical stimulation is injurious and has the
same effect as drugs, only it causes clogging of receptors by
endogenous rather than exogenous substances. Acupuncture would do the
same. So do refined and mutant sugars increase endogenous sedatives.
Because sedatives are endogenously produced doesn't make them desirable.
Endorphins, serotonin, etc. are protective neuromodulators, but are only
the result of injury.  Loss of symptoms by Lou's
son could have been a suppression of symptoms. There are two mechanisms
in sleep. The first is passive delta type--when neurons fatigue, nerve
impulses slow down and there is less excitability of the reticular
activating system. This is normal, deep, restless sleep, devoid of
emotional type dreams. In the second type of sleep endogenous metabolites
like dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, GABA, etc. clog receptors the same
way sedative drugs do. These metabolites are actually waste products and
a response to injury and toxicosis in the brain. If we were ever really
non-toxic we would not sleep very long. We would probably sleep like
babies, on and off when we needed to restore neurotransmitters. You
don't need that second type of sleep. This is my understanding from
studying the nervous system, but it's not my idea. Shelton knew that
electricity was a stimulant and that all stimulants eventually cause
depression of the nervous system. I was hoping to get to sleep
with the sugar in dates (didn't work because they weren't refined toxic
sugars), Remember? You said a big no!!! and  "you don't hafta put
something in your mouth & 'till you know you don't, substitute your big
toe or your favorite part of a close friend." How about sleeping until
you get a stop, i.e. when you wake up, read, rest or surf the Net. It's 3
AM now, I'm having fun, and will not likely need any sleep during the
day. Have fun with your experiments. I'm all for therapy if you know it's
therapy and need to suppress symptoms to function. I had to do that for
years. Antidepressants saved my life. I am only concerned with that faint
glimmer of hope I hear from you that maybe it's not therapy.

Bob W. If the theory of magnetism as a source of nerve energy is valid,
the proponents of the theory should be able to correlate it with
established physiological mechanisms. You speak of two types of energy AC
and DC, neither of which are physiological..My underlines are your
quotes. Astrocytes which produce nerve energy of two types. I don't
think astrocytes produce the kind of nerve energy taught in physiology
courses. Nerve energy, as taught in physiology, is produced in neurons,
even in animals that have very little brain and few if any astrocytes,
and is transmitted biochemically by neurotransmitters at synapses. I am
not surprised there is measurable energy in astrocytes, Schwann cells,
liver cells, and muscle cells, because Einstein showed that E=mc2. All
matter, living or not, is dancing energy. DC energy that powers the
body's VITALITY system and keeps the body in health.  Ask your mentors
what exactly is this VITALITY system made up of anatomically--the
neurons, astrocytes, Schwann cells, liver cells, muscle cells, all cells?
And how does this DC energy keep the body in health physiologically? What
is the mechanism by which electricity from outside sources--like
artificially induced magnetic fields--keeps human cells healthy if in
fact it does? I  can see this kind of energy might be part of the
vitality of an amoeba--no neurons in amoebas--but it's part of the
vitality of so- called non-living matter as well. If an amoeba does use
this kind of energy, how can you know if an amoeba is benefited or harmed
from an unnatural increase in electrical energy from an artificial
magnetic source? If this DC energy is involved in the functioning of a
living cell more so than in non-living matter, the development of the
human nervous system with its biochemically transferable nerve energy may
be the way the nervous system--through evolution--has overcome the need
for a dependency on magnetic energy. So even if the earth's magnetic
field drops to zero in 800 years our nervous systems may
have evolved to such a point that we use the biochemically transmitted
nerve energy exclusively. Remember you agreed that nerve energy is God.
Does God need your artificallly placed magnets to do his/her/its job of
running your body? Are your instincts telling you that you need magnets?
Magnetic changes in the earth's environment are a part of Nature. Don't
you think the magnificent human body is capable of adapting to this? I
don't think evolution according to God's plan is intended to destroy the
human race--it's almost an anti-spiritual concept to think this is
possible. We don't need special domed cities; we need to convert the
cities back to nature and live in more natural environments. I
hope your mentors will consider these questions for you.

My best, Ellie