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Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 12:17:14 -0800
text/plain (81 lines)
>Apples are not low GI foods; they are medium.

The glycemic rating of apples is 38. For them to be medium they would
have to be in the 50 range or more.

>>>tiredness I feel at night. Is there a way to get lots of protein

>>That is in my opinion impossible if you want to stay vegan. But check

>Not true.  Nuts, green concentrates (dried wheat- barley-grass,
>spirulina, algae, juiced whole greens), legumes, and bee pollen all
>have way more protein than anyone needs, and some of the above have
>more than most animal foods.  (Of course you can argue that bee pollen
>doesn't belog in the vegan category.)

For purposes of staying in the zone (30% of calories from protein) the
above choices are not really options. The amounts of algae or legumes
you would have to eat would make you sick. The algaes & greens are
quite high but still lower than RAF's, and legumes which also contain a
lot of fiber and carbohydrates contain even less protein. Bee pollen
contains quite a lot more carbohydrate than protein. Regarding protein
requirements read the Peter Lemon Study that I sent you for submission
to the M2M.

>>Zoners use nuts to get their fats - not proteins - as there is not
>>that much protein in nuts.

>Almonds, for example, are 14% protein, 12% carbos, and 74% fat.  Not
>exactly low-protein.

If you compare them to celery 14% is a fair amount. But if you compare
them to RAF's they are very poor sorces of protein.

>>>(3) Has anyone found a raw foods diet to help with blood sugar
>>>problems? If so, would you kindly share the highlights of your

>>In my opinion very few have.

>In my opinion, quite the opposite. Many diabetics have been able to go
>off insulin altogether. Fasting and low food intake in general are
>integral parts of proper nutrition; raw foods per se are not enough
>(or,rather, too much).You might find some tubers (yams, for example)
>helpful too.

How much of the above is your opinion and how much do you know for a
fact? Apart from yourself how many do you know who has overcome blood
sugar problems by fasting and a low calorie raw, vegan diet?

>>should not make much of a difference.

>I would go further and say that wheat is probably not a fit food for
>human consumption; the fully sprouted wheatgrass, maybe.

For some less than others. Blood type & genetic background seems to
make quite a difference.

>>vinegar. I tend to think that the apple cider vinegar is OK.

>I no longer use it.  I'm starting to agree with the late T.C. Fry that
>it's toxic.

Did you ever feel any bad effects from using it?

Best, Peter
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