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Martha Seagoe <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Jan 97 19:55:59 PST
text/plain (85 lines)
Nieft / Secola very eloquently said:

> You _are_ a kook. Face it ;)
Curses, he's onto me!       }:-[

> What makes a person live through the detox, etc. (as opposed to
>ending the discomfort with a return to a normal diet) is still pretty mystifying
> to me...It's the carrot on the end of the stick.  ("vibrant health")

> > I'm even getting sick of apples. Apples aren't exactly the most exciting of foods,
but it is great to get to know the different varieties while all raw.
I've been feasting on Fuji.  But the last few haven't seemed to have
any taste.

> Are you enjoying dates at all? Raw in-shell peanuts?
Dates, yeah.  I sometimes like to slit 'em open and replace the seed
with 1/4 walnut.  Yummy and crunchy!
I didn't know you could get peanuts that are really raw.  Except that I
saw some sprouted peanuts at the farmer's market.  I'll have to give
those a try.

> much more tasty, and after several hours, veggies/salads might
>taste even  better

Do you use any dressings on your salad?  What are your favorites, if

> > it's torturing me!

> Hahahahahahaha!



Dang!  An acronym I can't figure out!       ????

> Walking down the suburban streets at 6pm and it's
> like a dog sticking its head out the car window sniffing, sniffing,
> sniffing! "Oh yuck, ring baloney! Mmmmm...italian!" etc. Wait till you
?get on a plane and the snackpack of Planter roasted peanuts is
>distributed and the air quality in the cabin plunges! Instantly you suffocate in
>everyone's  peanut breath.ot to mention my co-worker's microwave popcorn!

> ... if you can't find a raw food that is tasty, your body may
> want a rest from food (a fast)--which might be likely during a cold as
> well...all much easier said than done, of course!
You got that right!  Especially with two energetic little varmints to look

> You're not whining! Keep us posted.

OK, you asked for it:
Doing much better now.  I think part of my depression Sunday was in
being cooped up in the house while it was cold & raining outside.  It
actually felt good to get back to work!  And that's saying something!
Also, my cold is gone now.

> for a few weeks (you'll always have the rest of your life NOT to eat
all raw).

Yes, this helps get it into perspective.

> The worst that could happen is that you'd learn some stuff about
> yourself.

Scary thought.     ;-)

> If you use adherance to an all-raw diet as a measure of your
> worth/success/beauty/eugenic capability/etc...

I don't *think* it's any of these things, but the mind can be a funny

> Who knows? (but you'll notice I didn't tell you to go out and eat a
rabbit!> :) ;)

But you were THINKING it, weren't you?  I know you...     :-)
Thanks for the help.  And now I'm off to have a couple of those
walnut-date things!
