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Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List


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Robert Cohen <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 14 Feb 1997 13:56:53 -0800
text/plain (66 lines)
Robyn Kozierok wrote:

Human milk contains lactose too!

You know, this is starting to get tiresome.  But I do deny that
every single human reacts to cow's milk as if it were a poison.
We are all here because we must avoid milk to some degree or another.
But I for one would really prefer if this list could focus more on the
practicalities of living in a milk-consuming society when one can't
imbibe, and less on the evils of cow's milk!

Thanks for reading this,

Dear Robyn,

You are correct!  Human milk does contain lactose!  Perhaps you will be
the first the volunteer to try Ben and Jerry's new, double vanilla melon
human breast milk ice cream!  Yummy!

Er, Robyn.  I believe that human babies should be drinking milk from
their mommies breasts.  Lactose and casein included.  I do not believe
that you should, but I believe that is your choice!

I also personally do not like abortion but I believe that it is every
woman's choice.  As a matter of fact whatever you do to your body is
your choice.  If you wished to hire Dr. Kevorkian that is your choice
too, as far as I am concerned.

I did not ask you to join this group.  This group is called the NO-MILK
group, not the "Let's live with milk group."

I have been flamed by a few folks for my outlandish and extreme views.
I respect anybody's right to ridicule anything I say.

Milk is POISON.  Sorry that this is getting "tiresome" to you.  You were
perceptive and well informed enough to notice that your baby was having
a bad reaction to the milk you drank.  I congratulate you!  Many people
never correlate the ill effects.

However, I anxiously await any doctor or scientist living to dispute
what I have said about IGF-I.

Milk is loaded with hormones.  No adult, possessing their sanity would
take a pill containing 3000 nanograms of the most powerful growth
hormone occurring hormone in their body.  However, that is your right!
I cannot stop you from taking that pill!  Every time you drink a 12
ounce glass you take the equivalent.  I have said it before...IGF-I in
cows is identical to the IGF-I in humans...both have 70 amino acids in
the same gene sequence.  MILK IS A HORMONAL DELIVERY SYSTEM!

Denmark, Norway Holland and Sweden have the highest rates of breast
cancer in the world.  They also consume the greatest amounts of milk and
dairy products.

Ask a stranger what nation has the highest rate of breast cancer and
they will probably tell you the United States.  They are ignorant, just
as most people are ignorant that there are hormones in milk.

FDA LIED to America by telling us that pasteurization destroyed bovine
proteins.  I can prove this.  If I am wrong I will get naked anywhere in
America that you wish (it will not be a pretty sight!) and drink a quart
of milk, directly from a cow's udder, and admit that I am wrong.

Robert Cohen