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Wed, 15 Apr 1998 05:17:31 -0700
Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (105 lines)
> << Pet: (The Stubborn !@#$%^&* !@#$%^&* Person who refuses to use the
>  Proper Time Zone and uses +0000 instead of PT and messes up everyone's
>  Message Order so it looks like it was posted 8 - and now because of the
>  Time Change 7 - hours earlier that it was.  [See next Post]) >>

> Pet doesn't do it on purpose.  He exists outside of time in another dimension.
> We can't see him.  He writes his reponses hours before we even post, and then
> sends them via his lower chakra (base desires and internet connections).
> There's a delay in connection time, so it shows up at just the right moment!
> Energarians can do that!!

Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! - That's Why!!! - Well That's Okay Then!!!

> They can also get pay-per-view without paying!

WOW!!! - I Want To Be One!!! - Oh Please!!!

> <<WOW!!! - You are So Cosmic and Enlightened!!! - Can I please Bow Down
> and Lie at your Feet?>>
> You would be blinded my son.  Not until you are significantly purified could
> you handle the LIGHT!  Have patience... fast for forty days and forty nights,
> and abstain from sex for twelve years.  Then, maybe, with sun-glasses...

Oh!!! Okay!

> <<I thought we have 3 Gourmet Energarian Meals a day because>>
> Absolutely!  Were we born with teeth!!  NO!!  Humans aren't meant to eat,
> somewhere along the line people just became addicted to fruit, in the Garden
> of Eden, and we adapted, but not really.  Breast feeding is just an Oedipal
> thing.

Ooooohhh!!!!! - That's why I like Sucking on Breasts So Much!!! -
Geesh!!! - Who would have thought?!!!

> <<<< you know all
> the Great Energy they have up in the Mountains - Yum!!! Yum!!! - :)!!!>>
> YES!!!  Currently, I'm building an Energarian tower that reaches into the
> ozone so people can get ozone therapy and be closer to the sun, and get even
> better energy!  Humans weren't meant to be on the earth!  Just look at your
> soft feet. You need shoes to walk anywhere where there are rocks.  Humans
> aren't land creatures, we aren't meant to walk.  Just look at children.  Do
> they want to walk?? NO!  They lie there until they're forced by their parents
> to crawl, and then they just sit in front of the TV to gather energy, until
> someone forces them to walk to school.  Even then, as soon as they get a bike,
> they ride it so that they can sit down again.  Humans aren't meant to move,
> we're meant to just BE!!!

Just BE!!! - WOW!!! - That's the Answer!!! - WOW!!! - I must have just
Naturally and Instinctively known since I already Sit on my Ass All Day
Long anyway in front of my Computer.  WOW!!! Just a few more years of
this and I'll be a lot closer to where you are I hope then and be able
to not have to even type anymore and just BE!!! - WOW!!!

> Anyway, Building on the Energarian Tower has already begun, but right now all
> I have is two bricks I found when I was kid, a board with a rusty nail in it,
> and an old step ladder, so funding is urgently needed!  Donations of over
> $1,000,000 are accepted to help build the tower. It will be built in a secret
> location, by secret energarians who have been waiting to go public for
> centuries.  It will be completed when donations exceed $2 billion, and will be
> high enough to be declared its own country so we don't have to pay taxes.  And
> because there's no air up there, there's no worry about cravings.  No food, no
> money.  Paradise!

Whatever I can do to help you'll be sure I'll give my Support.  And I
thought there were these Secret Energarians just waiting for the Right
Time to Go Public.  You see since I have been Sitting for So Long doing
relatively Physically Nothing but moving my Eyes and Hands it's giving
me I guess a Certain Amount of Access to Their Energarian World and
Dimension and I've been hearing these Voices in my Head for Years that
were talking to me and know I know why - WOW!!! I'm so glad I'm not
going crazy but just hearing those Secret Energarians - What a Relief!!!
- Maybe soon they'll appear in front of me on my Room and I can begin to
really Interact with them - Cool!!! - I'm So Excited!!!

> NFL and Woody Harrelson's ex-cleaning lady are already scheduled to speak at
> the opening!


> Please send monies to the Sri Guru Aaron Fund.

Okay, I will.

> p.s. just for the record, i was kidding ;)

Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - I was so Excited and Happy
and Elated that this was Real and I wasn't Crazy!!! - What a Downer!!! -
:(~~~ - Geesh!!! I Hope That Doesn't Mean I'm Crazy!!! - That Wouldn't
Be Good!!! - Or maybe it would be and that I really am Speaking and
Communicating with Secret Energarians and that you just said that to
throw People off so that only the Pure will know and come - Oh I See!!!
- I'll keep quiet about it then - Only The Pure Shall Know!!! - YES!!!

 - Thank You Almighty Sri Guru Aaron!!!

 - Take Care!!!

 - Gregg!!!