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Robert Wynman <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Jun 1997 09:00:46 -0400 (EDT)
text/plain (33 lines)
In a message dated 97-06-01 23:31:51 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Thomas E.
Billings) writes:

 6. Understand that raw food writers are ordinary humans (so don't think
    they know everything about health - they don't), and that the raw
    food books avail able range from very good to unspeakably bad. (You
    can quickly recognize the bad  ones: those are the books that promote
    fear/hate as motives for your diet, and/ or they lack credible evidence
    to support their claims)
Gee, I've missed out somehow, having lived mostly raw food intake since '90
& not experienced much of the hate/fear stuff nor even zealots.  Perhaps
I've led a sheltered life, mostly giving & seeking support in the  NHM2M?
Or perhaps I are one?  ;-)  Are the NLF (sp?) folks & the colonel what
you're reffering to.  I was too late a subscriber to this list to
experience that adventure & have not looked for it in the archives.

I sure enjoyed your postings from the EXPO & would have enjoyed attending
that function.  I will use your postings as a basis for discussion in future
NH M2M letters & would like your permission to quote freely.  I'd much MORE
like that you join & contribute to the M2M.  I've found it to be the finest
source of truth in health-related issues I've ever discovered, 'tho much
slower than THIS list!

Anyone wanting to subscribe contact Bob Avery at:  [log in to unmask]  or
 [log in to unmask] (I'm not sure which he's currently using.

Happiness on y'all
