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Mon, 2 Sep 1996 01:17:10 -0700
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (112 lines)
>(I don't think it would be appropriate to have an extended discussion

Do not underestimate the NH M2M. Since 1992 it has been the first &
only on-going forum for dialogue & support between raw food
enthusiasts, natural hygenists and instinctive eaters freely exchanging
opinions, experiences, information & ideas. The importance & power of
such a forum, where old paradigms are constantly being challenged and
new cutting research scrutinized, cannot be underestimated. Only Chet
Day's "Health & Beyond" and this list in its prime can measure up in
comparisson - and yet NH M2M is is totally unique.

>on the list itself, and maybe this invitation here is not even

If not here, where? - Especially when considering the non-profit &
non-commercial nature of the NH M2M.

>By the way, do you intend to implement a "digest" mode here on Veg-Raw
>eventually? I hope so.

I hope so too. (I am not in charge of the technical department, but
when the time comes, I do not see why not)

>(c) through ongoing research I have been doing into
>the prehistoric picture of the human and hominid evolutionary line
>involving the historical use of fire to prepare foods, and rates of
>genetic change in becoming adapted to such changes.

I am presently reading Richard Leaky's "The Origin of Humankind". I
recommend it highly. It gives a good overview of the different theories
on the origin and development of the human species.

>(By the way, this evolutionary research as well as my summary of what
>we've seen in the M2M both physically and psychologically will be
>featured in a 3-part series of interviews I'll be giving in Chet Day's
>"Health & Beyond" newsletter starting in October, for those who are

That should prove to be interesting reading.

>Anyway, to get into much more depth here about my own views about a
>total raw-food diet I feel would only create acrimony and hard
>feelings here on Veg-Raw, which seems to be a moral support group for
>raw-food enthusiasts just as much as it is a discussion group.

Is an all raw, vegan diet for everyone or does have its limitations for
some people? The latter - no doubt in my mind - is the case. However, I
am not convinced eating some cooked foods is necessarily the best way
to go. Furthermore, a support group that is not also an open discussion
group is not much of a support group - at least in my mind. Truth is
not an absolute entity, but an ever-evolving process. Live foods for
live minds!

>I wouldn't want to spoil that, and generally am not one to voice my
>opinions more than once in a forum where I anticipate they would not
>be welcome. (Very briefly, experience of people in the Natural Hygiene
>M2M seems to show that only about 10% or 15% of people who attempt a
>total raw-foods diet actually are able to thrive on it.

I am sure the ratio is no different on this list. In fact, it is
probably lower.

>The rest's health seems to do better with the inclusion of at least
>some cooked foods such as potatoes, grains.

Instead, they might do even better with some raw diary, raw eggs or raw
fish for a while.(says I, an impassioned vegan who has not touched
these foods for 24 years, except for a few short periods in between
with a little dairy - Weston Price did not lived in vain :-))

>That's all I'll say here--if you are interested in discussing any of
>this further, please address your replies to me in private email so we
>don't burden the list with unwanted discussion.)

No burden - great post!  And to everybody, if you are thinking of
responding to any of Ward's comments please, rather than private email,
feel free to share with the list. I am sure we all want to hear
whatever thoughts you might have on the subject.

>Basically what it comes down to Peter is that I have been living a
>financially very marginal life on the edge the last few years. I was
>onlyable to try an initial free batch because of the largesse of my
>mom, who was a distributor temporarily, and gave me the supply to try
>out at her expense. Once the SBGA ran out, though, it ran out. And I
>simply couldn't have afforded the very expensive $80/month or whatever
>it is for Cell Tech's stuff after that either.

Can I relate to that problem. - I fell over the edge a long time ago

>Also, my experience in the past with any changes to my diet I've
>experimented with is that 1-2 months is enough to
>at least see if there is going to be some sort of *trend* or not,
>however, modest it may be at first (and freely granting that it may
>take many months for the trend to fully play itself out, but I've
>uually always noticed changes within this initial time frame.)

Sounds very reasonable - but are you sure you did not wimp out on us?

>I'd bet willing to be that once word starts filtering out, the list
>will find itself in the midst of a mushrooming growth phase sooner or

I am especially looking to having more international participation.

>--Ward Nicholson <[log in to unmask]> Wichita, KS

Best, Peter