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Tue, 14 Oct 1997 03:48:47 -0500
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
David Wolfe (NFL):
>All the books I read, I take extensive notes on -- you are more than
>welcome to look at my book shelf! : ) -- and Phillip Johnson's "Darwin On
>Trial" is no different.  I read, take notes, and add modifications and fit
>them into my journals.  I certainly can use Phillip Johnson's points
>without having to reference him every time and I do reference him in my

No, it is dishonest and deceiving and gives the distinct impression that
the thoughts and ideas originated from you when in fact they were Phillip
Johnson's almost entirely. Apart from covering up the obvious fact that you
have difficulty thinking for yourself, its function was also to cover up
that you several times had exaggerated and in other ways "misrepresented"
his views.

>Why, if I was plagiarizing so greatly, would I even mention Phillip
>Johnson's book or quote him?

Because you thought you could get away with it. I think most of us smelled
rat, but had it not been for Ward's diligence and tenacity, odds are that
nobody would have discovered your deceit. And who would could ever have
guessed to what lengths you would go?

>Why not just cover the whole thing up?

That is exactly what you did. Who would have imagined that you would have
the gall to copyright another man's work?

You are obviously in denial of the seriousness of your actions. I am
tempted to do it myself but feel it would be improper of me as a moderator
to take such a step, however, I would be very surprised if somebody from
this list did not at some point decide to inform Phillip Johnson of your
fraud. And why not? - you show absolutely no remorse. Whether or not
Phillips Johnson would take legal action against you would be another
matter and entirely up to him.  He might just demand a public apology or
decide that you are two small a fish to be bothered with the matter. If I
had any say on the issue, I would probably advise against any legal action
be taken as it would give you some of the badly needed publicity that you
so desperately need and crave but certainly do not deserve. But who I am to
say if Johnson would listen to a misguided evolutionist such as myself? ;-)

In any case there is no need to worry - should push come to shove, I
suspect judging from your recent performance that you are so skilled in the
art of deception that it would be water of a ducks back for you to fake an
apology. :-) Be careful though, for one day you might no longer know what
is real and what is fake/fantasy. I understand, however, that raw organs
from various parts of a goat are effective remedies for such states of
delusion. ;-) :-)

Best, Peter
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