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Thu, 27 Mar 97 08:34:00 PST
"Roy P D'Souza" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (106 lines)

>>I also found that on a "pure
>>instincto" diet, I tend to consume enormous quantities of fruit.

>Did you get blood sugar (adrenal) weirdnesses? Or did you tolerate it OK?

I seem to handle fruit better when totally raw.
While cooked, I would get acidity if I ate bananas on an empty stomach.
Now it that gone and I enjoy bananas, particularly on an empty

>Do you test honies at all?

Yes, I found an unheated local brand that I really like. I think I
get stops, but only after enormous quantities (2-10 table spoons).
I'm not sure if the brand mixes honies, but I plan to call and find out.

>>The "veggies" that I can still tolerate are all actually fruit or tubers in a
>>strict sense.

>I heard some guy at Bruger's Chateau ate only cabbage for many many meals.
>But mostly I hear (and experience myself) the same as you (though celery
>and romaine often taste good enough after RAF).

Actually I forgot to mention that cabbage is the only exception: it tastes
really sweet and pleasant. I go through a whole, large head in one meal.

>I wonder: were you a big
>veggie juicer before?

Yes, I was. I went through periods when I juiced veggies and fruit a
lot. But I never juiced cabbage. Perhaps there is a connection.

>>I did purchase a kefir starter and am close to the point
>>of getting kefir out of raw, unpasturized milk. I'll start
>>with small quantities and watch the effects.

>I am especially curious about your results with this. It seems like a
>hassle compared to buying Steuves raw stuff,

I could only find a pasteurized Alta Dena brand at Whole Foods. Perhaps
I should track down Steuves elsewhere.

>but maybe it is worth it to
>have the keifer w/o gelatin,

I'm also hoping that I can use the culture for other things like soy
milk kefir or almond milk kefir. (The instructions on the package say
this can be done.)

>though it tastes like chalk (at best) and an
>infant's spit-up (at worst) to my tongue. Melisa really digs it though.
>Perhaps you'll post about it after a time...

Actually the early results that I got last night were really nice.
Even my wife, who is usually very suspicious of my "chemistry experiments"
tried it because it smelled really good (like "paneer", she said). We
ate quite a lot, and there was no stop in sight.
Remember I was a vegan for many years previous to my RAW experiments (except
for the occasional pizza).

By the way, I got some king salmon sashimi from a local Japanese supermarket
yesterday. It tasted so sweet that I could have sworn that somebody had
dipped it in honey before packaging it. I know that they marianate mackrel
and some other fish in vinegar, but I'm not sure if they soak other stuff
into the fish to enhance the taste. Anyway, later into the meal the
sweetness disappeared. Therefore I suspect this was a stop, and that there
was nothing special about the sashimi. I'm still amazed as to how delicious
and sweet it tasted. I never dreamed that sashimi could taste so good.
I was in Seattle two weeks ago and decided to take your advice to try out
the wild salmon. I wasn't able to make it to Pike, since I was on the east
side at Microsoft. So I got some from the Uwajimaya on the east side.
It was delicious, but nowhere near yesterday's "honey drenched" taste.

On a related note, I'm rather pissed with that supermarket because last
week I got some marianated octapus, which they swore was raw. It tasted
partially cooked, and my stomach reacted violently to it. (I got cassia
cramps after a long time.) I guess it was due to a language problem. I need to
learn the Japanese phrase for "totally uncooked."

