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Mon, 17 Mar 1997 01:18:23 +0100 (GMT)
Denis PEYRAT <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (65 lines)
>>More and more subtle cues are promoted as the "real" taste change, but for
>>myself if, when I'm eating a food, I'm running a dialogue in my head about
>>"is that the stop?" then I seem to be quite non-instinctive and very
>>neo-cortically driven. Indeed, if I'm wondering about a stop, that itself
>>is probably a stop since I am not entirely "consumed" with the pleasure of
>>the food anymore!

>I completely agree, I even said something like this in my book.  So Kirt
>we must learn to dwell in the radient pleasure of beingness so we don't
>seek pleasure, already feeling unhappy, in food.  Maybe the error is in
>seeking pleasure in food, instead of dwelling in pleasure prior to that.

You can't be more true Zephyr. I'm not surprised that you should be the one
reminding this great truth to all of us. All it takes to make a free spirit
is detachment from all earthly goods including pleasure. Zephyr, you are
just another Epictete.
>That food is pleasurable and that is our litmus test is different than
>seeking for it from prior dissatisfaction.  So how do we access that
>prior, (probably already always present and available), feeling of
>satisfaction or bliss in being?

Religious people call it grace, agnostics call it : capacity to wonder, to
take a fresh look at everything. Mystics call it Universal Love. I like the
three of them.

How do we block that access?
By giving free rein to one's materialistic instincts to the detriment of
one's higher spiritual aspiration.
What's the purpose of having an instinct if we actually spend all our time
discussing about how we should eat what ? Discussions of these sort should
normally be the common lot of those who keep deceiving their instinct, not
of those who naturally abide by its working principles.

>As you've said in your manuscript...,

Oh so Kirt is preparing a book.... Who else has that type of agenda ?

> The new sheeps at Pangaia are lousy examples of
>instinctos.  1.  They're eating before 7am.  2.  I've seen them eating
>grass (a mixed lawn) then grab an avocado leaf, then eat more lawn.  3.
>They don't worry if they're overating (this is what really disturbs me
>the most):-)(...)

You should not be worried because your sheeps do not follow  the canons of
instinctotherapy as determined by Burger. Burger gave these sort of tricks,
like "not going back to the prevoius food", in order to facilitate the
understanding of the benefits.  It has always been the role of "followers"
to make dogmas out of simple recomendations. That's how  religions came to be.
Do you really think it is important to avoid going back and forth ?
Are you ready to consider that it is more important for certain types of
foods than for others ?
And therefore don't you think that it is more natural for certain animal
species than for others ?
Thinking by yourself and for yourself.
And in so doing, do not let anybody interfere with your intuition.
