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Mon, 13 Jan 1997 07:28:31 -0700
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
>>   I assume you received the general information for this list when you
>>subscribed but in case you didn't:

I'm sorry about the offensiveness of the RAF talk, but, as you point out,
veg-raw is probably a misnomer when compared to the list charter which has
nothing to do with plant foods only. I truly am not out to offend folks,
but one might respect that veg-raw (which is soon to be called food-raw as
I remember from earlier news posted by our list moderator) is the only
forum for exchange of raw food info at this time. One solution might be
simply to delete any message from the posters, like myself, who engage in
RAF banter.

Peter posted info about a single thread NH list starting up soon (info at
<http://www.nildram.co.uk/veganmc/forum.htm>) which I would assume will be
plant only. Like Peter, I have subscribed but haven't heard a peep from the
list yet. (Note that if I do anything more than lurk on the list, I would
definately restrict my posts to non-RAF topics!) I would be saddened,
however, if many veg-raw subscribers would "jump ship" to the other list
and forsake veg-raw. I think there is great value in a mix of
ideas/practices interacting. The "peer review" process keeps everyone a bit
more honest, and perhaps self-reflective, when challanges/information come
from a wider variety of perspectives. Further, there is plenty of
non-offensive info shared by both instinctos and vegans. And let's face it:
the majority of veg-raw subscribers are probably not instinctos _or_
raw-vegans, but curious about the raw foods arena. It would be somewhat
dishonest to restrict their access to a full range of information and
points of view, wouldn't it. Whether vegans like it or not, there is a
growing number of rawists who include RAF very consciously in their diet,
many of them formerly committed to a raw-vegan regime. This is just a fact
of life in today's raw scene.

I, and others, spend considerable time and effort to post in the least
offensive way possible to vegan sensibilities, but I'm sure it is not
enough for many vegans. Perhaps we just have to agree to each other's right
for "self-determination" on the matter...

If subscribers feel that there is too much RAF talk on veg-raw, they might
*post more* on non-RAF topics to bring the percentage of RAF talk down!
