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Thu, 10 Jul 1997 01:33:54 -0500
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (93 lines)
Since getting his first herd in Alta Dena, CA in 1944, Bernard Jensen
has had a love affair with goats. In 1994 he wrote the book "Goat Milk
Magic", which light on content and references nonetheless is an
enthusiastic account of what the author considers one of the most
healing foods on the planet. The book is a little over a 100 pages with
many photos of Jensen and his beloved goats whose milk he credits for
having saved his life and made it possible for him to have reached age
87 (in 1994) in fairly good health.  Jensen recommends eating 60% raw
with raw goat dairy no more than 5-12% of the diet.

According to Jensen man started domesticating goats 7000 years ago in
Southwest Asia and with now over 375 million goats spread all over the
world (India has 65, China 55. Nigeria & Turkey 20 and Iran 18 million
- in these countries the goats are not only used for milk but used as
work animals and for their meat, hides and hair as well. ) he estimates
that about 65% of all milk today comes from goats. He claims that in
many of the regions around the world where people are known for their
longevity, there are often long traditions of consuming raw and/or
cultured goat milk. One of his employees at his ranch in Escondido CA
he says lived on a diet raw goat milk for 30 years supplemented with
only small amounts of other foods - mainly figs and nuts. Jensens
books, video and audio tapes can be ordered by contacting: Dr. Bernard
Jensen 24360 Old Wagon Road, Escondido, CA 92027. Phone (619)749-2727
Fax: (619)749-1248

Below follows the chapter from the book "Why I Drink Raw Goat Milk."

"I believe the human body was designed to be nourished and kept by
foods (with some exceptions) as nature made them.  Pasteurization of
milk not only kills germ life but destroys enzymes and changes the
chemical balance of the milk, so it is not the same as nature made it.
I believe a calf raised on pasteurized milk would become sick over a
period of time, if it survived at all.  In fact, my opinion that raw
milk is superior to pasteurized milk is based on scientific evidence.
In the 1930s, I had the privilege of visiting Randleigh Farm in
Lockport, New York, the most scientific and advanced farm of its kind
in the country at the time.  The owner, William R. Kenan, Jr.,
conducted a series of experiments in 1941 that compared the
health-building qualities of raw milk to those of pasteurized milk and
boiled milk.  (Pasteurized milk is not boiled, but heated to 140-150
degrees F. and kept there for 30 minutes, then quickly cooled.)  Groups
of laboratory rats were put on a diet of the different kinds of milk
supplemented with minerals for four-and-a half months, while control
groups were fed regular commercial rat food. The examination of the
rats was done by a medical doctor, Dr. Francis M. Pottenger. Jr.
Keeping in mind that milk is not a natural diet for rats, the raw
milk-fed rats were in much better condition than either the pasteurized
milk-fed rats or the boiled milk-fed rats.  The 27 rats in the raw-milk
fed group were generally healthy, with lung lesions in two rats, a
kidney lesion in one and mottled livers in three.  Of the 27 rats in
the pasteurized milk group, two showed evidence of heart injury, five
had kidney lesions, 3 had gross liver conditions, five had severe lung
pathology and three others pulmonary disturbances. There  were six
lesions in the 14 boiled milk-fed rats, four lung lesions , and two
liver disturbances.  Dr. Pottenger also found that the livers were
smaller, the bones stronger and the muscle tone was better in the raw
milk-fed rats as compared to the others.
This experiment was done with raw cow milk, but I believe the same
superiority of raw goat milk over pasteurized goat milk would have been
shown if it had been done with goat milk.
Raw goat milk builds the brain and nervous system.  When we provide the
cholesterol, phosphorus, amino acids, silicon, sulfur and vitamins
needed by the brain and nerves, we are not only feeding the brain but
helping the whole body, and when the brain is taken care of,  it takes
better care of every organ, gland and tissue in the body.  {The most
important fats in goat milk are olein and myristin, as those fats favor
nerves and brain cells, mainly.  This fat is a highly-evolved animal
fat, a fat that is unknown to the entire vegetable creation.  It is
believed that it contains "mind stuff", as one great chemist called
I believe in raw milk for many reasons.  I know it has kept me
healthier and stronger than I would have been if I hadnt used it.
Ive seen it help bring thousands of men, women and children back to
good health.  I feel there is solid evidence that it increases
longevity, and that many, many lives have been healthier and happier
because of it."

In comparing goat to cow milk he writes: "Goat milk digests in 20
minutes, in comparison with cow milk, which takes 2-3 hours to digest.
Goat milk is nutritionally balanced to nourish a kid weighing 6-to -10
pounds, about the same as the weight of a human baby.  Cow milk is for
a calf weighing 65 pounds at birth.  The fact globules in cow milk are
5 times larger, which is why cow milk is much harder to digest than
goat milk.  It is also the reason why so babies get colic after
drinking cow milk.  A goat is an exceptionally healthy animal, immune
from tuberculoses, consequently gives healthful milk of uniform
consistency. The goat is a very particular animal.  It likes to eat
only the top or honey leaves. "

Best,  Peter
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