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Mon, 7 Jul 1997 08:30:32 -0600
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (71 lines)
Some loose ends...

>>Burger wasn't arrested for a bad article, but for the alleged abuse of

>The reverse is true IMO,  Sir! Reread Peter's initial post:
>>"GC Burger has been arrested in Montram=DA and jailed in Melun Wednesday
>>July 2, at midday by the French police for alleged abuse of children.
>>Several journalists seem to have thoroughly investigated the past and
>>present "meta" practice, found victims and published last week very
>>detailed articles (1 to 10 pages) in several magazines of the French
>>press presenting the most scandalous aspects of Burger=C6s "meta"

This is a lot like saying that the crime is not the act but getting caught.
Whether the journalist's summary of the main points of Meta (as translated
by JL) really represents the main points or some footnotes which were held
up as the mainpoints matters little to me. It's like the burglar in your
story defending himself by saying, "It is natural for me to steal according
to this philosophy I invented."

>Again, what was the cause here? Who came first, the hen or the egg?

Journalists are investigating after the fact, perhaps sensationalizing
(though it is a sensational subject as given).

>>Huh? Did I say this to you when you went on about the USA food scene
>>(very inaccurately BTW)?

>You didn't. But to make things clear then: did you try Orkos' pro-
>ducts while being in Europe? When was the last time you tried them?
>How long?

Yes, of course we had plenty of ORKOS stuff when in France during the late
eighties for a week or so total. I have never argued that ORKOS is not the
best food available, but whether the price is worth it and/or whether it is
truly "original".

>Kirt, I doubt that an instincto is addicted to sex because what I
>have heard of other instinctos is, that the urgent need for sex which
>lots of the instinctos felt when cooked, fell away when switching to
>raw nutrition, be it instinctive or not. And I watched the same for me.
>And if my memory doesn't fool me, you wrote about similar experiences.

We both probably rely too much on the chatter of other instinctos.
Regardless of whether one calms sexually on an instincto regime, Burger and
his cronies appear to be engaging in sexual misconduct.

>Then, aggressivity decreased also with raw nutrition. Again a lot of
>instinctos watched this, including me. So if there is still a need for
>sex (and it would be strange if it disappeared completely) it is at
>least not aggressive, therefore most unlikely to harm the partner,
>whoever it is.

Seduction of a prepubescent is aggression to me.

>I think I have rational reasons for my doubts. Can you agree on this?

Not really. The logic of "I am calmer sexually and others tell me the same"
doesn't mean GCB's cult isn't into weird and un-instinctive practices.

Anyway, you post deserved responing to, and now I'll let you have the last
