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Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 18 Nov 1996 22:13:26 -0800
text/plain (77 lines)
>WOW!  What a conversation!

I enjoyed it too. Especially the part about Kirt's revulsion to dairy
products.  Makes you stop up and think, which is in itself a gift.
Thanks, Kirt!  :-)

>>>The thought of eating meat, raw or otherwise makes me nauseous.

Me too. But I do not trust my cultural conditioning to be my guiding
light on this one. Though, I understand from people who have made the
transition that the problem lies more in the thought than in the actual
eating of the meat.  I do not speak from experience but anybody is
welcome to take me up on it. ;-)

>>I understand completely, believe me.  Notice you said the _thought_.
>>It's a learned revulsion not shared by little kids, but taught to
>>them over time...

>Kirt, where do you get this stuff?

Dozens of instincto parents have over the years done these kind of
experiments with the same results almost without exception. It blew me
away the first time I heard it and forced me to do some rethinking of
my vegan dogma.

>Harvey Diamond said it best, "Give an infant an apple and a
>bunny-rabbit.  I'll buy you a mansion if the infant
>eats the bunny and plays with the apple."

Not a fair comparision. How is a baby supposed to prepare a rabbit by
itself or any other food for that matter. If infants were supposed to
gather and prepare everything by themselves I doubt that the human race
would have made it this far.

>>Egg yolks, in particular, seem to me an ideal baby food...


I agree, but from a different perspective.  I think that certain
insects & larvae would be more ideal foods for babies as the proteins
in eggs might be a little heavy for an infant.  From the vegetarian
kingdom durians, bananas & soft coconuts would top my list.

>>And a baby's instinct will let the mother know if the yolks will be
>>useful or not, as it would with shellfish, lamb, bone marrow, etc.

>Just how does a human baby go about getting a shellfish in Nature?

Like with so many other creatures that is what parents are for.

>And we used to think that Wacko-biotics advocates were really out

Macro-biotics has saved the lives of many people, but if this is your
first exposure to the philosophy of instinctive eating I can understand
your reaction. However, it being out there does not necessarily
invalidate it. -  besides, three naked men foraging in a fruit tree are
not exactly mainstream. ;-)
I am just back from the Santa Monica Co-Op and noticed that they had
the new and edited version of Zehyr's book "Instinctive eating" (I
forget the exact title) on the shelf.  I recommend it highly and maybe
you should withhold further judgements until you have read it.

Best, Peter
[log in to unmask]

P.S.  As co-moderator of this list I have two requests of you.
1)Please sign your contributions with the name(s) of the individual(s)
who write(s) them.  It is somewhat impersonal & unnerving responding to
an entity.  2)I understand that these issues of diet & lifestyle can
stir up a lot of excitement, but please try to respond with a little
more content and a little less emotion. Otherwise the dialogue, which
what this list is all about, will die out and we will all end up just
calling each other names.