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Sheila Shea <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 11:03:05 -0700
text/plain (59 lines)
>In my vwegan years, I found it difficult to justify killing and eating ANY
>life form, especially poor, innocent PLANTS, who NEVER kill nor eat animals,
>nor even other plants (by definition, what makes them a"plants" is their
>ability to draw their nutrition from inorganic sources (air, water, soil)
>while we animals, by definition, must hire a plant to convert our nutrients
>to an organic form, then show our gratitude by killing & eating the plant,
>often most unmercifully, eating them raw and live.

>It seemed more "just", if we must kill to survive, to kill ANIMALS, not
>plants, 'cause after all, all animals kill to live, so they ought to expect
>being killed so that others can live, yes?  Ayn Rand called the altruist,
>egalitarian philosophies that are used to justify statist, socialist
>exploitation of the indidual "philosophy for ants".  I usta think of veganism
>as "a philosophy for PLANTS", not only-anti-human, but anti-animal.  The next
>step, which some of my good friends have taken, is "philosophy for rocks",
>like EarthSave, whose logical extensionis get ALL life forms off the earth so
>it can exist without being destroyed by organic stuff.


When I lived in Miami, I had raw food friend that would bring up great
organic foods from his garden and the groves in which he lived. He had a
'guard house' in one of the three major avo/lime/mango companies in south

His philosophy of raw is ( in the 80's when I left ) was that fruits and
leaves were the 'ideal' diet. The fruits ( and I guess nuts too ) drop from
the trees and can be eaten without taking the life of the tree. By eating
the fruits and nuts ( I added the nuts ) the seeds are dispersed and it
propagates the plant elsewhere. Under the tree, the seeds would rot or die
because they would not have enough sun or space.

Green leaves grow in a whorl around the stalk. And when taken from the
stalk from the outermost and bottom leaf in that order, it signals the
plant to regenerate leaves. If its an annual life parsley, the plant gives
prolifically for a year and then dies. The leaves are taken right at the
seal with the stalk so the juices are stored inside. This helps the
generative cycle of nature not its death.

To take the root of a plant such as carrot or beet, takes the wrong part of
the plant. It deprives the plant of ever generating more leaves. And acc to
him affects the generative part of our body. So does the eating of seeds
such as the grains.

Not sure where they stood on honey and bee pollen.

Also, has anyone eaten akee? It's native to Jamaica and grows in Miami. It
looks like an upside down red tulip and when it opens a white tofu/cheese
like fruit hangs from the center. It's considered poisonous if eaten too
early or too late both of which I have done. Late fermented on the ground
it tastes like roquefort cheese, ripe it tastes like raw fish or nuts.

Kind Regards,
Sheila Shea