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Robert Wynman <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 19 Jul 1997 03:36:52 -0400
text/plain (220 lines)
>Faced with the above facts I fail to understand how anybody can doubt
Burger's guilt in these matters for one second ..... The big question is why has
nobody spoken up against Burger before now? What prevented them - fear?

>Only in the sick minds of a pedophiles do children initiate sexual
contacts or seek sexual intimacy with adults.

>Really?  Where'd you come by that "fact"?  Readers' Digest?

I object to us trying, judging, convicting & sentencing ANYONE without
evidence, based obnly on "facts" such as you've posted here.  And on a
RawFood list supposedly discussing raw food?

> The future credibility of instincto is at stake if these questions are not
answered in full.

I dispute that "fact" as well.  GCB's sexual behavior will not affect my
nutritional choices.

> For how can you argue against "instincts"? Nowhere
clearer is this than in the case of G.C.Burger when he argues that the
natural sexual instinct of the child if not repressed will naturally
focus itself on the adult.

DOES GCB say that?
If yes, where is your proof that he's wrong?  Do we just take a vote amongst
establishment psychologists?  Guess the result of such a vote amongst
establishment "nutritionists" regarding YOUR diet or mine.

< Now the only kind of instinctive therapy he might get is a
bit of his own medicine: being sexually violated by people stronger and
more powerful than himself. This is usually the fate of sex offenders
in prison as they are very despised by the rest of the prison

Gee, Peter, gloating over the possible prison gang-rape of a scientific
genius might lead some to question YOUR motives, psychological balance,
emothional poise, etc.

Peter, what's your definition of a "sex offender"?  Someone who broke a
"law"?  Someone who harmed someone?

Does "concentration camp" has the same sense to you as to me, i.e. is
it meant to be the same as the camps the Nazis built?
If so, I wouldn't agree. Aiming at the residents of Montrame I like to
speak of an instincto ghetto, but the guests are quite harmless. And
what happens in a ghetto is quite different from the events in the
camps of the third Reich.

Oops, my apologies to you, GCB, etc.  I shudda added: "  ;-)" My use of of
"concentration camp" was only in jest.  Dr. Alan Goldhamer regularly refers
to HIS fasting retreat with that term & I wrongly assumed my meaning was
clear.  Yes, concentration camps are non-voluntary fasting retreats &
Goldhamer's & Burger's are totally voluntary as far as I know.

What is needed then is just a small number of
institutions to make sure, that the rules of a free market are obeyed
by all participants (no cartels allowed, no insider information be
usable at the stock exchange, no hidden prices, etc).

Hmmmm.  Methinkst I'd need clear definitions of what you mean by no cartels
allowed, no insider information be usable at the stock exchange, no hidden
prices, etc before IO'd vote power to Instinctos or anyone elst to inforce
these proposed "laws".  Are you sure that no cartels allowed, no insider
information be usable at the stock exchange, no hidden prices, etc are real
"crimes" (are there real "victims"?)?

> For me, "what's right" is everything, that is in correspondence with a
of universal ethics. For me personally this means consequential utili-
tarism. Anyway, deciding, to live without laws and authority is only
the first step. There the work begins, in my oppinion.

Gotta a brief desciption/definition of "consequential utilitarianism &
"universal ethics"?  Ayn Rand worked out a complete philosophy from
metaphysics, nature of man, epistemology clear thru politics & ethics, which
makes clear what's "right".  Good thing we're off subject, cause this one
could go forever! :-)

>For me society must supply some basic rights (already mentioned that)
and that's it. Everything else is on you.

Naah!  "Society" CAN'T supply any "rights".  If we have any, we're born with
em.  Society's job, if it has one in this sphere, is to PROTECT our rights
from the initiation of force and THAT'S it :-)

>Children often use play-acting as a way to explore the world around
them but they have absolutely no need for sexual encounters with

Again, where are all these "facts" coming from, "The World According to
Peter", or just "The Law According to Peter"? ;-)

>Until Mr. Burger is judged to be guilty as accused I won't speak of
>him as a criminal child abuser.

>I am sure that in your heart you know he is.

Proclamation of fact followed by inteimate knowledge of the cntents of
another's heart without the owner's permission?!?  This is sure
un-Brandt-like behavior!  Excessive advanced salmon?  Excessive cooked
grains? ;-)\

> I ask of you please in the future
to refrain from calling anybody "murderers" or "fascists" who not by
own admission or by the general public are considered to belonging to
such categories.

Reasonable request; I accept.  And I object to the "general public" getting
to decide who's OK to be labelled by us for what they be. ;-)

When running up the mountain, I often run the first third
so fast that I feel I can't possibly continue.  Then I
push myself to continue as fast as I can the rest of the
way.  No matter how exhausted I am, I also push myself
to complete the final 20 or 30 yards with a finishing
burst of speed.

I'm sure glad you chose to join us & share your wisdom.  I consider you a
genius & you've contributed greatly to my health & life in the four years
I've known you.  Thank you.

I usta do that sort of thing to my body & have come to believe consistently
pushing beyond "instinctive" limists leads more toward destruction than
toward immortality.  I suspect you have more & better info on this subject
than do I & hence THINK you're probably right, but I assume I still don't
BELIEVE it, since my behavior is generally to walk rather than run faster
when bod requests same.

I have just received the following from Bruno Comby which I am
forwarding it to the list with his permission:

Dear Peter,

L'Express again has 2 pages on Burger this week and so do a number of
other magazines not as well informed. This article is shorter, but
even more dramatic and precise. My feeling is that most of the
information given on meta in the L'Express article will probably show
up to be true. Quite criminal and scandalous... Raw eating doesn't
solve all deviant conducts for sure... It seems (L'Express this week +
direct info) that Burger was sexually deviant and very disrespectful,
even more than I imagined, since his teens (as a consequence of
relational problems with his parents, as is often the case) many
years before he became a raw eater, so at least the instinctive diet
can't be blamed for being the cause of his misconducts.

Sincerely yours. With best regards.


I believe Bruno & I believe he personally observed FACTS, so your conclusions
re GCB are probably correct.  And I still consider folks, including Burger,
innocent til proven guilty.

>We appreciate your hard work re archives.

Me too, me too! ;)


>It's important to eat lots of
fruits and vegetables, but I don't think it is healthy to eat all raw foods.
It's not healthy to eat all anything. The best diet is a varied diet, and
this goes for methods of preparation as well.

Welcome aboard, Walter, thanks for contributing You ask for opinions on this
fellow's commebnts?  Mine is that they're interesting & I wouldn't continue
to read them cause they make no sense to me.  "It's not healthy to eat all
raw" seems a foolish statement since nearly every species but man has
maintained health obn su h a diet since animals first appeared on earth..

i had my mercury dillings replaced with plastic about 18 months ago.  6
months ago i ate alot of oranges and then much blueberries.  then i noticed
my top front teeth very rough and porous - loss of enamel.
Now i want to recover.  i guess this requires a bias in the diet. (i am now
a raw fooder)

Any suggestions?

Thanks for joining & contributing.  I suggest brush & floos every 24 hrs even
when living healthfully & instinctively & dining on only Orkos-quality
original food, even tho brushing & flossing are unnatural acts,.  Perhaps if
we had instinctive ancestors for the last several generations, artificial
tooth-cleaning would not be necessary to prevent caries & demineralization.

Ditto, Bob!!