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Robert Wynman <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 12 Jul 1997 11:16:13 -0400
text/plain (90 lines)
In a message dated 97-07-12 03:35:27 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Jean-Louis Tu)


 >What's your definition of "leftist-oriented"?  From each according to his
ability, to each according to his need?  Communal ownership of means of
production?  Altruism?  Egalitarianism?

 I don't want to go into complicated definitions, but at least I consider
 that society should do its best, so that as many people as possible have
 access to decent conditions. And, for me, "decent" includes health. And
 health includes raw food.

30+ years study on this fascinating subject of freedom, its causes, costs &
benefits has led me to believe that:

1--"Society" is only a word, much like "government".  Those entities do not
exist in physical reality, only in the minds of us screwed-up cerebral
animals.  What exists is individual humans with the will to think of
themselves as "society", "government", etc.  (Frederick has the verbal power
to help me with this & I won't request his help 'cause this is all
off-subject anyway.  :-)

2--Only one economic system provides the conditions for "as many people as
possible have access to decent conditions".  Laissez Faire Capitalism,
free-market economy.

 Surrealistic dialogue:
 A: I have got arthritis.
 B: I know the perfect solution for you: eat instinctively!
 A: OK. Is it more expensive than eating boiled potatoes?
 B: It can be. How much do you earn?
 A: 800$/month. I am married, and I have 2 children.
 B: So, you won't be able to afford Orkos food. Maybe you could grow things
 in your garden?
 A: I have no garden. Do you think it is worth moving?
 B: Yes, definitely. You will soon see the results.
 A: What foods do you prefer?
 B: Durians, sapodillas, mango Konkouri, Thai coconut juice.
 A: How can I grow these in my garden?
 B: You cannot. You will have to eat fruits and vegetables from your own
 A: Can instincto succeed without exotic fruits?
 B: It is very difficult to be satisfied without exotic fruits.
 A: @#$%!

I'm having trouble understanding the significance of this "dialog".
 Possibilities always exist.  One can devise means to earn more money.  One
can move to where these "necessary exotic fruits" will grow.  One (THIS one,
anyway) can be quite satisfied without "exotic fruits".

 >Do you believe their "need" creates an obligation on Orkos to provide them

 Anyway, if you allow people to work 50 hr/week for a low salary, why not
 allow that in factories? It is illegal, that's all.

 "Allow"???  We all have the right to work when/wherever we choose for
whatever compensation we freely negotiate with whomever's buying our
services.  "Allow" means someone else has the power to prevent us from so
doing by FORCE.  Who has the right to initiate that force against us?  Who
granted THAT person that power?

"Illegal" in this context means that someone granted power to initiate force
against other humans.  No one has that right.

Seems there are two types of people, those who look to "authority", "law" for
their decisions , "what's legal" & those who look for "what's right".
 Natural Hygienists seem to grasp this concept & make the switch to "what's
right" regars food & have much difficulty applying it to the rest of their
life.  Interesting?  :-)

 >Instinctive free and liberal wishes,

 When you have to deal with "financial stops", you are not exactly free

OOPs, now I gotta ask for another definition.  What's "freedom"?

'ealth, 'appiness & freedom to y'all

Bob  >>