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Jean-Louis Tu <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 5 Jul 1997 10:01:20 -0400
text/plain (80 lines)
>It's kinda hard to know how disgusted to be. I'm
>especially curious about the ages of the children.

Here is a sample [Note: the shortcomings of the following translation
are due to my lack of proficiency in English, rather than a lack
of objectivity in my reading. Translating into a foreign language is
not an easy exercise]

[Jean Kicin says]:"I saw kids coming from the village to work with us for
a few fruits, being stroked on their butts and kissed on their mouth. But
those who live there permanently are really in danger. Sexual intercourse
with children is advocated by Burger himself. They keep talking about
triangular relationships, homosexuality, sodomy and infantile sexuality.
There, an adult forms a kind of couple with a child, even with a very young
one. I saw a few examples: a little girl, Lea, 5 years old, with Jean-Jacques
G., an infant, Nicolas, 2 years old, with Stefan W. That child really
seemed disoriented. I had a friend, Doerte, whose two kids of 2 and 5
years old were constantly bothered. One evening, Peter D. and Jorg H.
asked the mother to leave the room and let them slept with the children.
She says that preventing them from coming in wasn't easy. A teenager,
Sarah, who had been living in the Chateau since she was 14 years old,
was turned into a sexual toy against her will. I protested. They
threatened me (...)"

[Mrs Foltin] states that she has witnessed a few shocking scenes. She saw
Lea and Nicolas, constantly in the company of a man who wasn't their
father. The lower part of Nicolas' body was always naked, even in
November. Once, in the dining room, Stefan W. stroked his genital parts
in front of all therapists. She tells that one day, Stefan and Nicolas came
into a room above her bedroom. A few seconds after, she heard the baby
weeping in a "peculiar, really pitiful way" (...)

The [Burger] couple [was accused in 1978] to have invited teenagers, but
also, from the age of 9, a little girl, Maya [Note: that name has purposedly
been changed], and their own son Christian, to their sexual activities (...)
Twenty years after, Maya's sister tells us about the little girl's "happiness":
"He completely trapped her. Our social background was very poor, and
we were then very perturbed. That couple cared for us on our mother's
recommendation. As for me, I kept my distance, because I felt repulsion
towards Guy-Claude. But Maya, she was looking for a father. He played that
role, seduced her, went to bed with her and crowned her as "cosmic princess
with sacred insight", whose least wishes were orders. He covered her with
jewels and presents. She had become capricious, pretentious, unbearable
to other children, who avoided her. A vicious cycle... Then, he set us
against our mother, because the while community excludes people from
outside the "cooked", as they say with a deep expression of disgust. My mother
had become their underdog and we cut off links from her. Later on, when
she complained to the justice, Maya and myself left and were hosted by
a family. One day, while we were on vacation at our grand-parents', at
Narbonne [Note: in Southern France], he came see Maya again. She was
terrified. We called the police, who drove him to the border" (...)
[Burger was sentenced to 4 years, but was freed a few months earlier
thanks to his exemplary behavior]

Antoine [not his real name], 14 years old, who fell in love with one
of Burger's daughters, and impressed bu the father's aura -"at an age
when one is necessarily curious about sex", he now explains- is the victim
a real corruption of a minor and shares the bed with the host.(...)

Anne, who came et 18 years old at the Chateau after a particularly perturbed
childhood, says: "I came with my 10 year old-brother, who expected to be healed
from leukemia by Burger. I fell in love with Antoine. Burger soon (...) stated
that we had to go to bed all three together to "provide energy to the
community". As for me, I didn't want to lose Antoine. Heterosexual
relationships are really ill-considered at the Chateau. Kids run after you and
yell "dirty hetero! dirty hetero!". I ended up with that guy who disgusted me
and, whenever I rebelled, he would say: "if you don't provide me energy,
I cannot heal your brother". I left with Antoine who himself couldn't
handle that anymore either. And then, we came back. One always come back
to reconcile, to try to convince oneself that we are really loved, that
we hadn't been considered as objects. When my brother died, I thought it
was my fault. Every evening, Burger came to see us, Antoine and me:
"I need energy. I have la lecture tomorrow". I tried to resist, but
Antoine always ended up yielding. He was under his control".

Then, Buy-Claude Burger falls in love with Isabelle R., who came to heal her
asthma (...) but soon, he makes Marthe, a lovely 10 year old-girl, come
into their bed (...)