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Robert Wynman <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 3 Jul 1997 02:35:23 -0400
text/plain (80 lines)
In a message dated 97-07-02 12:59:41 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Stefan
Joest) writes:

<< I am finished with scanning the posts of this list and veg-raw back to the
 beginning of 1996.

WOW!  Congrats!  I'd like to do that sometime.  Was it worth the time/effort?

> In the archives I found a message of Deborah, recommending you as a good
 holistic dentist and your wife Lou being your office manager. That was news
 to me.

Deborah says such silly things, y'know how them PhD's can be!  :-)

> Now reviewing our little dialogue about amalgam, gold and other questions
 around dental treetment at the end of May and beginning of June, I feel
 amazed and puzzled.

Yeah, I had that effect on Deborah, too.

>You, a dentist asked me, a layman about these things?

I did.  I value your thoughts, wisdom, experience, opinions.  I've only been
studying, practicing, researching, developing instruments, materials, etc. in
dentistry since '63.  It is my professional life & I remain a lifetime
student of this subject.  It's the only area in which I'm an expert.  I'll
always be a student.  Always learning, ESPECIALLY in my field of expertise.
 Don't under-rate your ability to be a mentor to willing students, even in
THEIR areas of expertise.  We all arrive at our present state by different
paths, were exposed to different knowledge; we can all learn from each other.

>Still I feel you were serious and there is nothing to be changed in my
 answers, now that I know of your profession.

Yes, I was serious & am now.  Yes, nothing in your answers ought to be
changed.  Again, thank you for your answers.  I continue to learn lots from
you as a student of Instinctive Nutition, definitely NOT my area of

> I also found this:
 >Thank you.  Refreshing to hear.  Would you like to visit Lake Tahoe?

 I don't know if you were serious here. :-)

Well, yes.  You might enjoy Lake Tahoe.  It's one of the most beautiful
places in the world.  People who have lived in the French Alps, Ecuador,
Thailand, New Zealand, etc. end up retiring to Tahoe!  We've been here since
'72.  It's on the east coast of California, between California & Nevada,
'bout 200 mi. east of Palo Alto.  6,2001 elevation (2km?), has best ski
resorts in the world, the most spectacular mt. bike adventuires on the
planet, etc.

>Tell me more about Lake Tahoe. I don't even know in which state it lies.

No, that's enough for now.  Bruno visited us X-Mas '95; he'll tell you about
Tahoe in French!  Deborah didn't like it as much, seems to prefer living
where cherimoyas grow.  Nothing grows here but big trees, squirrels & deer (&
bear, coyote, birds, etc. -- but not much edible vegies)

>Which kind of instincto food are you able to get from your near environ-

A friend has shown us LOTS of edible herbs that grow wild here, but living
from what grows here would be a full-time job.  Pine nuts & wild beasts &
fish are about it.  & in the winter, nothing but ice fishing.

>Which other food do you order from suppliers?

Aside from the sprouts I grow, we order EVERYTHING fromnsuppliers &
supplement with supermarket food when necessary.  A friend delivers produce
weekly from his organic farm 100 miles west of us, I order occassionaly from
Diamond Organics produce, Jaffee Bros. nuts, local health food store for
fertile free range chicken eggs, bulk seeds for sprouting & dead animals from
Polarica in San Francisco.

Best dentalman's lay wishes,
