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Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Jul 1997 12:18:15 +0000
text/plain (36 lines)
Hi all,

getting enough Vitamin B12 seems to be a problem for raw vegans. But I al-
ways wonder, why this should be the only issue. It's highly probable, that
their are undiscovered vitamins in animal foods. I call the still undis-
covered vitamin "Vitamin B20".
Since it is undiscovered, nobody can manufacture it or take a supplement.
The only alternative is to include each food in your nutrition, that is
part of the evolutionary nutrition of human beings.
I can't see that practising raw veganism is possible. To make things worse,
it could be, that B20 is needed in the long run for maintaining the health
of our children. So the raw vegans wouldn't notice problems, but their
children would suffer deficiencies.

Since science is completely ignoring the fact, that raw enzymes in the
eaten food are able to reach the blood and it is therefore highly proba-
le, that they fulfill a function there, there is currently no list of
essential enzymes, a human needs. I expect, that soon such a list will
exist and will contain thousands of enzymes! Also there will be enzymes,
which are contained only in animal foods. This increases the problem
of omitting them.

Leukocytosis seems to never have been found after the initial research in
1930. Mr. Burger today claims, that this must have been a scientifical
error. He says, that perhaps the people, who were examined had caught a

Are instinctos in the U.S. eating raw olives? I never found this topic on
the list.  My body recently developed a high need for them and I enjoy them
very much.

Instinctive greetings,
