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David Karas <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 11 Mar 1997 13:42:51 -0800
text/plain (31 lines)
Roy P D'Souza wrote:

> A couple of questions:

> (1) Is there such a thing as "raw butter"?
> i.e. does the butter-creation process need to turn milk into
> yogurt as in intermediate step, thereby running the risk of
> heating milk too high. Or can one trust the "raw unsalted butter"
> label to mean "raw unheated unsalted butter" ?

raw butter means that the milk was not pasturized before it was churned
into butter.

> (2) If the egg carton does not say that they are fertile or otherwise,
> what is the default?
> i.e. do we assume that commercial grade eggs are usually non-fertile?
> How about free range eggs?
> I noticed a brand that advertised them as "non-fertile", but I didn't
> see any that guaranteed that they were fertile.

the default on eggs is non-fertile. free range eggs are more likely to
be fertile but don't have to be. sometimes fertile eggs will not be
labeled as fertile to avoid problems with government agencies with
regard to proof in labeling.

> Thanks in advance!

> Roy